Saturday, November 7, 2009

one down, two to go!

BLUE PLANET IS OOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVEEERRRRRR!!!!!!!!!! I'm am so excited that my Blue Planet exam is over with because that's the end of that class. Unfortunately the exam didn't go as well as I had hoped it would. There were some pretty damn specific questions that I sat there and was like WHERE WAS THIS IN THE BOOK?! and there were some questions that I looked at and said to myself 'is that in English?!' oh well. Can't do anything about it now. I studied as hard as I could and all I can do now is pray that I did well enough to pass the class. I just need to say right now that if JD didn't help me study I would've failed that exam with flying colours. At least with his help I had a chance of passing... THANK YOU SO MUCH JD!! YOU'RE A LIFE SAVER!! well at least a Blue Planet grade saver :P After my exam (as I always do) I gave myself a mini beautification day where I spent four hours just doing typical girly things to make myself look pretty. Then I got ready to go out with Adam and his friends.

That night I got picked up by Curtis and Adam at 10:30 and we headed out to Uni pub. It was a ridiculously fun night. It started with Adam buying me a vodka sunrise (my second favorite drink :D) and meeting 3 more of his guy friends (all of which their names I've forgotten... Sorry :/). Then they bought me two more sunrises, which I didn't need, and we talked a little. They're crazy fun to hang out with! I only had three drinks but it was all while we were at Uni pub which was about an hour I think. After that I stopped drinking. I refused the following offers for drinks (which was a lot). I think Adam wanted to get me wasted because he kept trying to convince me that I wanted to drink more. We went to upstairs Moose (my second favorite place to go to dance) and Shooters (becaus they had cheap drinks). At shooters we met up with Simon, Josh, Will, Seth, and Trent. After a little while Simon, Josh, and Will decided to split. Seth and Trent stayed for a little and left with us to head towards Moose again. But then Seth left to go to Transit. Trent stayed with me and the guys and we all went to upstairs Moose. I found out that I was a better lesbian than Adam's friends were straight guys lol. There were two girls that wanted to take pictures with me and then a group of girls who wanted to dance with me up on the platforms. They were all very trashed but I had fun dancing with them. In the bathrooms I had three interesting conversations and it led to a lot of compliments on my dress and how I looked. I don't think I'll be going back to Mooseheads for a while. It wasn't until 3 that I decided I was tired and wanted to leave so Adam walked me back to Burgmann. It was a long walk after dancing for two hours. But it was one of the best nights I've had out in a long time. Thanks for taking me out Adam!

Saturday I woke up and forced myself to study. I may be done with Blue Planet but I still have two exams for Marine Palaeontology. The theory exam is first and I have to memorize a million facts about everything we covered. I also have to study for the practical exam.... except its not until the 17th so I have time for that one. I wasn't too successful in studying so today I really have get down to it. My essay is due tomorrow and I have to remember to turn that thing in or else I'll fail the course :( I can't wait to finish my exams but that only means that it's all over and I'll have to go home :( I'm not ready to go hommmmeeeee!!!!!!! hmph time goes by too fast. But I don't really have time to cry about it now because I have to go and study. Check back on Tuesday for updates on my aweful exam. I hate exams..... Laters!

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