Sunday, October 11, 2009

Back to reality

Yesterday was Sunday and that's typically the day of studying. I have a presentation on Sand dollars on Wednesday of next week. So I decided I should start researching it. I went to the Chiefly library with Sarah. Let me just say that I HATE libraries. I've had a fear of them for a while now. Regardless, I went to the library to find books on Sand dollars. I entered the term sand dollars in the search box for ANU libraries. Absolutely NO books were found, so I searched the term echinoderms. A few books showed up and I looked at where I had to find them... HANCOCK LIBRARY!! Damn so now I have to go to another library and this time I would be going alone because Sarah had her own stuff to do at Chiefly. So I went over to Hancock and looked at the signs that said where all the books were. The books were only on two levels: level 1 and basement. Can I just remind everyone that I am ridiculously afraid of basements. Anyways... I look to see where my books would be found and of course with my luck they're downstairs in the basement. So not only am I in a library, which is scary, I'm in the library basement!!! Can you just imagine all the horrible images in my mind as I walk down the long hall into my nightmares. Once I got down to the basement and searched through all the books they had on echinoderms-- about three shelves worth of books-- I was feeling a little better about having to deal with the whole situation. But then I realized that even with three shelves worth of books there were absolutely ZERO books mentioning sand dollars. It's like they don't even exist!! So I walked back to Chiefly empty handed. After a while of sitting in the library with Sarah we decided to walk back to Burgmann. At dinner Peter decided to headbutt me while I was drinking water. I spilled my water and retaliated by splashing him back. He declared war against me and tickled me multiple times throughout dinner. I spaz when I get tickled so I hate getting tickled. I dumped about a quarter of a cup of water on him and of course he got me back about 15 mins later when I had my guard down. But he got me back with a full cup of CHILLED water. I screamed and everyone in the dining hall laughed and asked me why I got water dumped on me. I was a bit chilly the rest of the night. I spent a total of an hour an a half in the dining hall and had way too much fun haha.

Today is the first day of classes after break and I'm not looking forward to it at all. Hopefully I get more work done today than I've been getting done in the last three weeks. I have so many assignments to start and so much studying to catch up on. I can't wait until my essays are done. Those are what's worrying me the most but hey... That's college! Check back later and I'll probably have more stories to tell for some good laughs :) Laters!

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