Monday, October 26, 2009

The last week of classes

The interhall talent show was held on Sunday night and there were TONS of people there. I was really nervous all day and needed to take a nap in the afternoon. Unfortunately that caused me to miss dinner because I slept through my alarm. Sue-Lin knocked on my door which woke me up. We walked over to B&G for the talent show and I not so patiently waited for my turn to perform. I couldn't believe how much talent there is at ANU. Eventually it was my turn. I performed to the best of my ability and despite losing my make-do shoe in the middle of the dance, I thought I did pretty well. Ursies wasn't immediately after me but their representative for non-musical acts performed magic tricks. I LOVE magic and was really impressed with what he did. He was the act that I lost to. I placed second in the non-musical category :)

Burgmann placed second for Arts Shield and third for Sports Shield. Of course Johns won sports but surprisingly Fenner won arts. I wish Burgmann good luck next year for the arts and sports shields.

Monday was the start of the last week of classes. I went to social animals and we watched the weirdest film called The Future is Wild. After class I went back to college and worked on my essay. I managed to reach my goal of 700 words a night. Then I talked to Sho and we came up with the brilliant idea that we should meet up in the states since he was planning on going next year. He said that he and Kit were going to LA, LV, and NY for his 21st birthday. Since Skidmore is in NY he said he'd give me a heads up and we would try to meet up. In theory the idea is that they would go to Hawaii for New Years cuz everyone knows that's where it's at for New Years! Then they'd go to all the places they wanna go in LA and LV and then I'd meet up with them while I was at school. More than likely I'll have a Northwoods house so I'll be able to house them. It'd be so awesome if it actually worked but a year is a long time from now.

I was extremely unproductive today!! I was planning on getting my essay done tonight because I was feeling motivated. I checked my facebook and it wasn't working well because it kept giving me that weird message saying that an error occured and I had no notificaitons and no friends online and no events even though it said there was an event invitation. Not sure what is going on with that but I left it up regardless. Then my ex IM's me and we get to talking and fighting (no surprise there). I end up talking to him for a few hours and get nothing on my essay done. It probably doesn't help that I have a full season of CSI on my computer at the moment. *sigh* I guess I'll have to focus really hard when I get back from dinner. I HAVE to finish this essay by tonight so that my dad can help me edit it. I can almost feel my essay being done but it's one of those glass ceiling type deals where I can't reach the top but I can see it. Oh well there's nothing I can do but do the work it's self. Check in later for more stories!! Cheers :)

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