Thursday, October 15, 2009

I feel like flying

Today has been an overall good day. It started out with a not so great Violence and Terror tutorial. I got my exam grade back and lets just say P's make Degrees :/ I looked up the US equivalent and it's a C... not even a C+!! All you who are my friends know my saying that I for some reason live by: if it's not an A it's a fail. Well you can all imagine how mad I was at seeing that.... Anyway moving on. So I went to the botanic gardens in Canberra for my Blue Planet prac. It rained the entire two hours. My worksheet that we have to turn in next week is now completely drenched! But I got all of the answers and I now know more about plants which I never ever in my life thought I would know. Well I still don't know a lot but I could answer the questions on the prac really easily and accurately (according to the one of the tutors). By the time we were all ready to head back to campus we were FREEZING and wet. For some reason though I couldn't stop smiling. My hands were numb, my ears hurt from the cold, I could barely talk without slurring words, but I kept laughing and smiling while I talked to some guys that I didn't know in my prac. OK well I know them just not their names. It happens a lot.

After I returned from the botanic gardens I walked to college not wanting to go to lecture (so I didn't). I logged onto webCT and copied the notes from the powerpoint and realized that I really needed to get started on my essays. But of course that's not gonna happen at least until next week... I mean it's THE WEEKEND for crying out loud. I'm gonna work on my Marine Paleontology presentation this week and then be ready to kill it by tuesday (I hope).

Last night I had dance practice. I choreographed and worked on my dance for Burg Concert. I am SO out of shape. My body this morning felt like bricks. Every millimeter of movement took so much effort! But throughout the day my body got progressively less sore. I'm still mad that I missed tim tam night though :( 2H ALWAYS has tim tam nights on Wednesday nights when I have dance practice. Not like I expect them to schedule nights around my schedule but it would be nice if they changed it up a little. Like have tim tam night on Tuesday....?? Oh well. I'll deal. There's only two weeks left of Uni anyway. And then exams. Man-o-man!! That's so soon! It's like a month and a little bit left of time in Oz. I'm not ready to go home yet! NOOOOOOOOO.

OK i'm good i'm chilled out. Sorry about that minor freak out just now. haha. Alright since that's all that really happened today, I'm off to work/play. Byeeeeee! :D

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