Monday, October 19, 2009

Conflicts left and right

This morning I woke up at 10am which means that I missed breakfast. I had class at 11am so I left for that after getting ready. Class went from 11am-2pm which means that I missed lunch. Luckily we got out of tutorial early so I walked back to college and caught up with some work. My head was pounding because I hadn't eaten all day. I drank a half a Nalgene of water and read from one of my text books but fell asleep. It must have been around dinner time because when I woke up it was 7:15pm. Yea I slept through dinner. Today has been a fail day for food. I went down to the dining hall to get an orange so that I would at least have something in my stomach. Then I decided it would be a good idea to get a head start on my Blue Planet prac. I managed to finish the tasks that it presented but haven't answered the questions yet. I'll work on that tomorrow.

As I walked down my block's stairs this evening I passed two of my friends. Both of which are incredibly attractive! I seriously felt the temperature in the stairway go up about 10 degrees. One of them has a girlfriend but that doesn't mean I can't look :P especialy since he lives on my floor haha. The other one I never really realized how much of an attraction to him I had. I don't really know him that well but I'm only here for 4 more weeks ;)

A little while ago it hit me that I was performing tomorrow night at Burg Concert. Should I qualify for the Interhall Talent Show, I would perform on Saturday night. PROBLEM!! I said I would go to my dance teacher's dance expo to watch him perform. If I have to perform Saturday I won't be able to go to the expo. But if I tell him that I can't go but don't make the talent show then I'll feel aweful for not going. What am I supposed to do? I've ALWAYS honored my committments to dance. I never thought this would happen but then the statistics of it happening grew the more I committed myself. I guess I'll have to deal this one out on my own. This sucks. It's not like I don't already have enough stress from school work and making stupid mistakes. Rule #16: Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.

I need to cut this short since I have to work on my Social Animals essay. Send your prayers to me! XOXO

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