Sunday, October 18, 2009

Starting week 12

So last night I worked on my Marine Paleontology presentation and almost finished researching it. I had gotten so bored with working that I decided to write all my notes with my left hand. I got pretty good at writing with my left hand. Then I got tired and went to sleep at 11 (I know sleeping early on a Saturday night. But hey I had a big Friday night). This morning when I woke up after having an EXTREMELY strange dream I was really hungry. I woke up around 8:30/9:00 and went down to get breakfast. After just one piece of toast however, I was full. Weird!! I usually eat two pieces of toast and cereal. I knew I'd get hungry if I didn't eat more so I forced myself to eat my usual load. Then I went back to my room and worked on the report some more. By the time it was 12:30 aka lunch time, I had finished two pages of the report and was feeling pretty productive. I went down to lunch where I learned that road relay was at 2pm. I reluctantly said I would go since I had to finish my report as well as practice for Burg Concert. It turned out to be an AMAZING race. We started out strong with Katie and James and just continued to gain leads over the other colleges throughout the next 6 people. By the time Vrinda ran (half way through) we were at a 4 minute lead. When it was Murray's turn to run, because he was the last we all concluded that even if the John's runner ran the 3K in 8 minutes, he still would only semi tie with Murray. My favorite quote of the day: "so basically Murray needs to be hit with a car for John's to have a chance..." The response to that was: "I wouldn't put it past them."

After a victorious relay I returned to my room to prepare for my own practice. I spent an hour and a half in the Chapel dancing my butt off to get back in shape for Tuesday. I wouldn't be surprised if I was dead tired and sore tomorrow. Thankfully I only have my favorite class for three hours tomorrow. I have almost completed my report on Sand Dollars (which I had an exciting talk with Rachel about) and I'm about to start my powerpoint. Luckily, I am only allowed 6 slides plus a title slide and a references slide. So there's really not much work left to be done on that.

I calculated my projected grades and realized that I have neither progressed nor regressed in terms of my usual grades. I'm still stuck in the B range just as I always have since high school. Last semester I had almost all A-/A's so I was hoping I would be able to keep that up. Of course when you're in a new country, have no idea how the professors mark, and are partying it up... I wouldn't really expect to have great marks. Although I am proud of myself for keeping up the B range grades even with all the partying I've been doing. I've learned to give myself a little slack.

This semester is wrapping up so quickly and everything seems to be jumping at me from all directions. I need to learn to manage my time better but you know me... taking on too much at one time. I'm getting antsy for next semester because I know I'll end up doing the same thing. 17/18 credits, equestrian team, break-beats (most probably), and hopefully working so that I can save some money for the summer. I can't wait...

OH! I almost forgot :) I managed to get my right split back again! For 11 months I've been struggling to gain my flexibility back from my injuries. Today when I was dancing I actually sat in a full split. It was painful but my butt was on the ground!! I was so excited. Hopefully that isn't a psych out and I'll be able to do the same on a regular basis. I knew all those painful stretching techniques would get me back to normal again. When I can once again kick my head without pain in my legs I will be the happiest girl alive! Until then, I may need to chill since I can already feel the pain from dancing hard kicking in. Man I'm out of shape. When I go home for Christmas I'm gonna get back in shape: for dance AND equestrian. Keep yea posted!! Laters

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