Monday, October 12, 2009

The start of term, the end of sanity

Today was the first day of term 4 and I've already lost it. But other than that it was a great day! It started by me having a weird dream... as usual and no I won't explain it on here because it was a waste of time. So I woke up and went to breakfast where there were HASH BROWNS!! Yea all Burgies know it's a gonna be a good day when there's hash browns at breakfast. After I ate I went upstairs to get ready for class. But of course the construction workers are drilling holes into everyone's wall for the sprinkler system. As soon as I start to change there's a knock on my door so I have to pull my clothes on really quickly and answer the door before they let themselves in. About 10 annoying minutes later they leave and I finish getting ready for class. I was walking to class freezing because I decided I didn't need a long sleeve shirt on (dumb idea) when I smell the rain. Hawaii people know that the rain has a distinct smell and for some reason it's one of my favorite smells. So that put a huge smile on my face. Then I get to class thinking I'm late because it's already 11:05 and class starts at 11 usually. But when I walked in there were only 4 people sitting down and my professor was no where to be found. So i sat down and literally 1 minute later my teacher walks in saying OK! Let's begin. PHEW I was in before the prof so I wasn't disruptive or anything. Then we started talking about whales and the whole Japanese situation on whaling. Somewhat boring in lecture format but in the tutorial I was SO ready to participate... Don't know why. We had our two presentations which admittedly were pretty good. Throughout the whole two hours I didn't once feel like I needed to slap myself to wake up. I was active and opinionated about the topic this week which gave me a good weekly tute mark. Then I came back to college and actually did work!! I felt so productive. I finished my Marine Paleontology field report, started my Blue Planet field report, picked a topic to write on for my 3500 word essay due 30 Oct, AND picked a topic for my 2500 word essay due 9 Nov. I felt so accomplished after that. Dinner came and went and I continued to work on my Blue Planet field report which everyone agrees is such a vague assignment that it's so hard to figure out. While I was working on my report with Maddie, Sue-Lin came and asked me if I was interested in being in the Burg Concert next tuesday. I had been trying to get in touch with Lucy about that for three days now!! But to have another person in charge asking me to be in it was just such a compliment (or at least I thought so). She had that look for shock when I said I would do it and then she said 'Great! And you wouldn't happen to be interested in entering the talent competition as well would you?' UHHH HELL YEA I'LL ENTER THE TALENT COMPETITION!! For one, I love talent shows, for another I live to compete!! I'm so psyched about this! One tiny little detail... I still have to choreograph the piece as well as find something to wear. But those are minor and I'll get it done no problem. Today has been a pretty good day... Hope all your days are as good as mine! Peace.

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