Saturday, October 24, 2009

A weekend of dance

OK I know I said I'd update you on Thursday but I forgot to. Rachel's 21st was on Thursday and it started at 8. So Sarah and I convinced Stephen to go and he suggested we drive. I had not planned on going out that night. I wanted to spend the night in but it was Oktober Fest and Rachel's 21st so I went to make an appearance at her birthday. I had a lot of interesting conversations with Adam. He's such an easy person to talk to. I had only planned on staying out for an hour but I ended up staying for about an hour and a half. Then we got back to college and realized that we had missed Tim Tam night. But we saw Zemma walking back at 9:45 and asked her if she had missed Tim Tam night too. It was funny because she mildly freaked and we got an hour late Tim Tam night anyways haha. It was essentially only 10 of us but we made SOOOO much noise. We had a few 1H and 3H ressies at our Tim Tam night and had an entire conversation about betrayers. It was awkward... especially when Frank made it awkward. But it was funny after a while. I ended up going to bed at 11.

Friday I woke up and went to lecutre as usual. I got cat called on my way back to college by construction workers that I always see on my way back. Usually they just say hi but this time they called me sweety and said that I was looking good. I wasn't even wearing anything nice! I was in a t-shirt, jeans, and slippers/flip-flops/thongs. It was so ridiculous!! By the time I got back to college it was time for lunch. Because Valete was at night, they had a bbq. The steak was pretty good for Burgmann food. I finished fairly quickly and worked on choreographing a dance for interhall talent show. Then I went and got ready for Valete. I put on my brown dress and heels and made my hair look semi elegant. I wasn't planning on drinking wine or champagne before dinner because I was hungry and that would make me get drunk really quickly. I went out onto the lawn with Sarah and we socialized with people. I mostly talked to Xinyu who was being such a great friend. I think he's one of the guys I'm going to miss the most when I leave. He always finds a way to make me smile without trying too hard. After about 30 mins of random mingling it was time for dinner. I ended up on a pretty random table because none of us signed up for a table. None-the-less it was fun. The food was good and the wine wasn't bad. I got drunk off of two glasses of wine: 1.5 of white and half a glass of red. Ben was being a pretty entertaining seating partner. JD and a bunch of his "bro's" shifted over to the end of the table where I was sitting. Then we all started shouting and getting a little out of hand. I think it's safe to say that we were tipsy at that point. Then Dr. Phil announced that the bar was open and there was a bar tap. So EVERYONE made their way to the bar really quickly. I had a wonderful night of dancing and talking with people. I even met more new people that I became friends with instantly. I can't believe I'm going to be leaving in less than a month and I'm still meeting new people! Crazy!!

This morning I woke up at 9ish and went down to breakfast. The Valete tables were still out. After eating a light breakfast I went to work on my dance for the talent show. I managed to finish it but whether I can do it will be an entirely different issue. I have to stretch really well for this dance because it's got a lot of extensions and leaps. After about an hour of dancing I went to my room to collect my things and watch some CSI. Sarah came into my room and of course we started talking. Before I knew it, it was lunch time. Lunch was crap so I ate chips with gravy and a chocolate-peanut butter toastie :) After that I went to the computer room to do some work on my essay. I managed to find some info that would be helpful to writing my essay but actually getting to writing my essay will be a completely different story. Tomorrow I have talent show so I HAVE TO get this essay at least started. At 6 Alex drove Sarah and I over to Tuggeranong for Adam's KultureBreak Dance Expo 2009. They were so good! It was mostly hip hop with a little contemp. The little kids who break dance are ADORABLE!! If I could stay here forever I would joing their company. I pretty much had a whole weekend of dancing.... man I miss these :/

Tomorrow night is Interhall Talent Show and I can't wait until that comes around. I'll be nervous all day tomorrow but I'll work through it and keep dancing. Right now I have a smile but deep down I can feel my heart slowly breaking piece by piece as I count down the hours until I leave Australia. I thought it was hard to leave New York my freshman year but now I see that Australia is where my heart will always be. All Aussies need to prepare for me turning into a waterfall. This is going to be a messy end of semester :P Until then I plan on partying hard, having fun, and making memories. xx

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