Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Is it the weekend yet?

Rule #20: When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.
Rule #26: Frame every so-called disaster with these words, 'in five years, will this matter?'
Rule #43: No matter how you feel get up, dress up, and show up.

These were the rules I desperately needed to live by today.

I was woken up by the workers drilling holes in the rooms of my neighbors. You can only imagine how thrilled I was by that. I tried to go back to sleep but a half hour later my alarm went off and I HAD to get up. I went through my normal routine of brushing my teeth and getting changed. Then I read my email. I had one from SourceDance (the company hosting the competition I had entered three months ago) saying that they've decided to CANCEL the workshop and competition. The workshop I could deal with losing out on because it was only four classes anyway. The competition on the other hand was what I had been training for, for the last three months. I was pissed that my hard work was wasted in just a matter of minutes. I didn't want to go to Blue Planet lecture this morning because aside from the fact that this week's lecturer is ridiculously boring, I was really upset. But I read the 45 rules of life on my door as I usually do and was reminded of rule #26. In five years will I care that I was unable to compete in Canberra? Probably not. I don't even care that five years ago I couldn't compete in NY, even though at the time I made a big deal out of it. Then something else sparked in my mind. I'm entering in the Burgmann talent competition. I can full-heartedly into that now, hence rule #20. I really want to compete and I love to perform. More importantly I love to make people smile with my dancing. So I won't take no for an answer because I'm still competing (technically) in the Burgmann talent show. So I took the advice of rule #43 and got dressed in a nice skirt and lace spaghetti strap top with my Juicy sweater and left for lecture.

An hour later I got out of lecture and went to the computer lab to work on my report. I managed to finish everything except the abstract. Then I went to Marine Paleontology and sat through an informative lecture. We learned about sand dollars which is what my presentation is on. That lecture and prac was the most useful of all my time here in Australia (OK slight exaggeration but you get the point). After the prac I left to go back to college because I wanted to work on my report a little more. I started working on it and realized that I had completely missed my Violence and Terror lecture (way to start the new term: missed the first lecture back). But at that point I didn't care because I had FINISHED my Blue Planet report!! YAY!! Two assignments down (Marine Paleontology report and Blue Planet report) only one presentation, two essays, and three exams to go.... OK it seemed a little better than that when it wasn't in writing. Regardless, my time here in Oz is wrapping up really quickly and I just can't believe that it's almost over!! Soon I'll be home working and putting the partying on hold until I'm 21. Even then I won't be partying much because all my friends turn 21 after me. So much for a big 21st. Which follows the trends of a forgotten 16th and having graduation on the 18th. I'm not playing the Chelc Pity Party game I swear! *sarcasm* Rule #26.... It might actually matter to me in five years... but I won't know for sure until the time comes. No big.

Tomorrow is Thursday which means it's the weekend. I wanna go out but it's been raining lately and I don't want to go out in the rain. Especially since we walk into civic. We'll see... Until then follow Rule #22: Over prepare, then go with the flow. See yea!

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