Friday, October 9, 2009

Stressed and Worried. But Procrastinating

It's only been a day since I've been back at College and I'm already finding that I'm starting to sweat exams in three weeks. OK so I do have other assessments that are due the coming week as well as other assessments in the week following this one. But still, two field reports and a presentation is a lot to deal with when you don't know how to do them. I know that writing this blog isn't helping me any but I'm just dreading starting it because once I start it, I'll just sit there feeling hopeless. I don't know what I was thinking taking science courses. I love science and used to be good at it but then something in my brain decided to switch into the off position and switched on the part of my brain that only allows me to do mediocre in social sciences. It does't really help that I've been sitting on facebook all morning trying to upload all these pictures from semester break. Does anyone else have problems uploading photos using the full uploader?! I have to upload all my pictures 5-by-5 because the full uploader keeps saying upload failed. It's so frustrating when you have just under 350 pictures to upload. But whatever, it's helping me to procrastinate (not that I really need to). If I were smart I would have brought my work to do in the computer room while I uploaded the photos. But of course I didn't do that. I really just don't want to do any work at all. I'm in denial that I'm back to the world of studying so soon from break. This is pretty much how I'll be come January. I love all my Skidmore friends but I really just don't want to go back.... at least not yet. I'm having too much fun in Australia and I'm sad that this had to end. I keep saying that I'll be back to Australia, but really when I do come back, how many of my friends here at Burgmann will be around the areas I'll be traveling to? My guess, not many. I still have yet to travel to WA, NT, and Tas. I anticipate traveling to Melbourne during finals since I really don't have anything to study for and even if I do, I can study on the plane ride. My finals are fairly easy to study for. It's the essays that I have due before my exams that I'm screwed for. They're around 3500 words each (I have two of them) and they're one topics that I really don't even know how to go about researching. This semester is going by WAY too fast :(. I'd like to think that I'm making life long friends here but really only Sarah is a possible life long friend since she's from the states and we're planning on visiting each other and Oz again. It's so depressing to think about but hey that's reality. That's the problem with making so many friends while being abroad: you never know when you'll actually see them again. I guess facebook and emails make it possible for you to keep in touch but how long before that gets out of date or you get bored of it and get rid of it? Then what happens to those friends that you ONLY kept in touch with because that was essentially your only form of communication? Technology is great but it can only provide so much for you. Oh well. I guess I'll have to leave it up to fate to bring those wonderful people back to me. But until then I should probably start my work and update you all later. If you need to frown, smile and stand on your head; it's easier than you think :)

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