Friday, October 16, 2009

Big night out

Yesterday was an interesting day. I went to my lectures in the morning and then went back to college for lunch. After lunch I decided I was gonna do work (my presentation for Marine Paleontology). I ended up turning on Beauty and the Beast and falling asleep. Yea REAL productive! I woke up at 5:30 (just in time for dinner) not wanting to open my eyes, let alone get out of bed. But I needed to eat dinner because I was going to Symposium later that night.

Symposium is an ancient Greek drinking festival where men gathered together to make toasts to the God, Dionysus. It can be as academic or as pleasurable as the symposiarchs (leaders) make it out to be.

In Burgmann's case, it was a celebration of the year and the first-year's accomplishments. There were really good speeches (most of which I didn't follow because I didn't know all of the stories behind all of the jokes) and fun drinking games. The whips (first year arts and sports reps) served us Sangria throughout the night. I had only two glasses before I was drunk. Did I mention that we were supposed to wear TOGA's for the event? Yea I don't know how to make a toga out of a bed sheet so I had quite the adventure getting dressed as well as staying dressed because my sheet kept falling down. Wardrobe malfunctions aside, it wasn't too bad of a night (even though I felt COMPLETELY ridiculous and self-conscious the entire time). After the organized part was over I socialized a little with a group of people and then we all headed up to Beth's room to hang out a little longer before going out.

It was 11:00 before we FINALLY decided to go out. I was already sober by that point so I wasn't really keen on going out but I did anyway because Beth suggested Transit Bar which I had never been to (I'm always up for trying new places out). We gather everyone together, poor Alex was probably waiting in the car for an hour at this point, and realize that we don't have enough space in the car for everyone. So Ben, Jeremy, and I volunteer to walk (you know me, love to exercise) but we didn't know where it was. So we get into civic and follow the directions we received from a drunk Beth. We managed to find them and get to Transit with minimal problems. Transit was gross. I really didn't enjoy it at all. Ben spilled beer down the pants of my leg and it looked like I peed myself. He was pretty drunk so I just let it go. Needless to say, I did not have a good time at Transit.

After about two hours at Transit (after a half hour there I was ready to go) Beth, LJ, Jess, Jeremy, Pheobe, Sarah, Ben, Jeremy, and I headed off to upstairs Moose (again this is the first time I had gone to upstairs moose so I went even though I was tired, sober, and grouchy). Pheobe decided it would be a great idea to shout at a bunch of random guys that I was miss Hawaiian and could dance and flip and twirl. I was so embarrassed (keep in mind I have not had a single drink since I sobered up at college). She continued to scream to get guys to turn their attention to us. Beth and LJ were trying to see how many drinks they could get from guys at the bars we went to. I'm pretty sure they got quite a few because they were both VERY drunk. It looked like they had quite the band of followers to get them drinks. I guess it was a good night for them because they got heaps of free drinks. I rather like upstairs moose because it wasn't as sketchy as their basement, plus it's more club-like. Jeremy and I went upstairs to the cocktail looking area because we had been dancing for a while and needed water. We talked for a little while and then headed back down to the dance floor. Our whole group was pretty spread out and I was more than ready to go. I messaged Sarah and said that I was heading back to college with Jeremy. And just for the record, NOTHING HAPPENED. He made a move a couple times but I didn't accept because I was too tired and no offense but he's just not my type. I felt bad for teasing him though (yea I haven't changed I'm still a tease). By the time I brushed my teeth and got changed or bed it was 3am. I'm pretty sure I was asleep before my head even hit the pillow!

I vaguely remember waking up and seeing the sky lighten but I can't be certain what time it was. Then I woke up at 10 and tried to force myself out of bed to get breakfast but it just wasn't happening. So I went back to sleep and actually woke up at 11. That was the latest I had EVER slept in here and I just couldn't believe how much of the day I had wasted. But I got some work done. I hit a rock though because the species of sand dollar that I'm working with is no where to be found on the internet either. I have a common sand dollar fossil, which I was able to get a page and a half of information on, but the other one I just can't find. This is due on Wednesday so I really need to get cracking on it. Then I need to start working on my essay for Social Animals. I don't really know what I'm going to do for my topic on that one either. I'm so screwed but I'm not stressed.... WEIRD!! I also have Burg Concert to prepare for. That's on Tuesday and I'm so excited for it!! Wish me luck on this last term!! xoxo

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