Sunday, December 27, 2009

Another Successful Christmas

So I finally found time to just sit alone in my room and blog. This weekend has been crazy! Christmas eve started it off. My family traditionally opens presents on Christmas eve. We get together at one house, eat dinner, and then wait open all the presents that are from friends and family. Opening presents usually carries us well into 11pm because we have so many to open and there are ALWAY heaps of laughs. Meelo and Mya (my cousin's two dogs) run around from person to person because of all the chaos from wrappings and bows flying around. This year I got clothes, jewelry, games, money, nail reinstones, and a laptop. That's pretty typical since I basically ask for clothes every year, and jewelry is a safe bet with me since I love it and will wear almost anything. Everyone knows about my obsession with butterflies so if it's got a butterfly on it, I love it. I got a necklace with diamonds on the middle of the butterfly, and a bracelet with a strand of butterflies. I got more but that's enough description for now. All I have to say is that all of it is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!! Then my parents and sister and I went home around 12 ish to get to bed. Then in the morning we opened our Santa presents. This part of our tradition is what makes Christmas so awesome. We get to open presents two days in a row. It's like having two Christmases! I got random things like a luggage lock, a plain black T-shirt that I can reinstone, and simple stuff like that. Then I went back to my cousin's house and we had lunch. We played BINGO like we always do and I won sooo many prizes! We always play so that everyone wins per round. But we get so many prizes that we eventually start to make up our own games. Like instead of playing regular bingo we play X (so that you have make an X before you can shout BINGO!) or we play four corners (where all four corners have to be called before you can shout BINGO!). We even started to get desperate and made up our own games, such as.... any three touching (self explanatory). I got a lot of prizes that I really liked and some that I didn't like quite so much. That's just part of playing the game though. If I wasn't able to play Bingo for Christmas I don't think I would have quite a Merry Christmas. It's a tradition. I absolutely love my family and friends. Thanks to everyone who gave me a present!! I can't wait to use/wear them. They're all so great and so are you :D

Sooooooo... after Christmas I went to the beach with Mandi and Leanna and Colin and we all had so many stories to update each other on. We stayed out on the beach for a couple hours but then went to see Avatar at Ward. AVATAR WAS THE MOST AWESOMEST MOVIE!!!!! I really want one of those flying dinosaur looking things. They were sooooo cool. That movie really makes you want to believe in a higher diety. They have so much faith in the world around them and they truely love nature. I wish I could be like that but being from the city, it's a bit harder to believe that buildings and concrete aren't the greatest inventions in the world. I need to go live out in the country for a little while :P Anyway, after the movie we wanted to go to dinner so we did. Then we drove around for like a half hour and ended up in Hawaii Kai. At this point in the night we had absolutely nothing to do because nothing was open. Then we saw that yogurt land was open and decided to have dessert. It was pretty good. We hung out in the shopping center for a little while. Then at around midnight we decided it was time to turn in for the night and we all went home. Colin drove us of course :)

I hope everyone had a successful Christmas and got everything they wanted. I'm already back to my hectic schedule and just waiting for the new year to come around so that I can work on my resolutions and what not. I'm working on my image/reputation. I'm going to stay single until August (well I'm gonna try) and not date or hook up with ANYONE. I also have to work on my body.... I'm gaining weight like crazy and have to start eating better and exercising more. When I go back to school I will definitely be watching my weight. I'm gonna work hard and get my grades up since at the moment they're a bit low. I have a lot to work on and I guess it's a good thing that I don't have very many friends at Skidmore this semester since they're all going abroad while I'm there. It's good because they won't be there to distract me. I'll be able to keep my focus and come up with a whole new image for myself to prove that I'm not entirely ridiculous. I'm ready to be taken seriously in more than one sense. This next semester is all about me... to figure out what I really want. I'll be free from "bad influences" for 6 months so I should be able to break bad habits. Hopefully this all works out and you'll be the first to know how my new self is going. Enjoy my updates!! Laters :)

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

the struggle is over

Well for now anyway. Tonight was the last of 5 performances from Saturday morning to Monday night. First was the Christmas show at 10am and 2pm on Saturday day. It started out incredibly hormonal. I had a great break down and cried and it was epic. After that was the Tabernacle performance. I wasn't in much of a better mood there but I managed to get through it. Plus I saw Crichton and he always tries to be there for me and make me smile. At the end of the night I went home and slept and had some intense dreams. On Sunday night I had another Tabernacle performance. Tonight I performed at Ala Moana Center Stage. On Sunday, after the opening number, I was introduced to the CUTEST Mormon guy. He's around my age and seems really nice. I really wanna get to know him better but I'm leaving in a month to go back to New York so maybe it's not worth it? Everyone keeps telling me that I shouldn't have a boyfriend because I wanna be free of attachments to do what ever I want to do. But I'm not always happy without a boyfriend. I'm never in one place too long which is why I tend to be single most of the time but I can't honestly say that I enjoy being like that. I know I'm still young and I keep being reminded of that. But seriously I'm tired of jumping from state to state, country to country, and relationship to relationship. I don't want to be single forever but I'd rather be single than be part of the hook up culture at school. I'd also rather have a long distance relationship than be single. I think the introduction of me to this guy is a tactic to get me to stay home forever. I know I'm not meant to be in a relationship right now because if I was, I would have met a Mormon in Saratoga Springs, which is where I'll be for the next 10/11 months. I also still really miss Adam and can't stop missing him. I dream about him all the time. Sometimes I wish I weren't so boy crazy. I'd appreciate having lack of emotions for all boys until I was REALLY ready to be in a long-term relationship. I haven't had a relationship longer than a few months. I don't know if I'm capable of having one. All I do know is that if I don't stay put soon, I won't ever have a long-term relationship. Everyone keeps saying that any guy would be lucky to have me... well where the heck is this lucky guy?! I'm not a very patient person and this waiting for time to tell me what I need to know is testing me. I think I'm failing miserably. I just want to fast forward through the next few months to see how I end up. There are so many things for me to look forward to that I can't wait until they all become reality. This is just like when I was waiting for my summer to start. I waited anxiously for a month so that I could finally leave for Greece. Then once that was over I went off to Colorado to go on my Archaeology field experience. That went by quickly as well and I couldn't wait to leave for Australia. But once that came and went I didn't really have anything to look forward to. I mean I have my post graduate plans to look forward to but that is something I have to once again wait for. Once it actually comes I have to find out what I want to do for the rest of my life. Whether I want to come back to Hawaii or if I want to live somewhere else. People may be saying that I'm still young and I have time to figure it out but I don't think that they realize that time goes by a lot quicker than you think. The next time I blink I'll probably be 23 and done with grad school!! I won't be stable, or settled, and I might not even have a job to support myself! What do I do if I have to rely on my parents until I'm 30?! That's NOT ok! Alright that's the end of my freak out for tonight but you know me..... I'm not gonna be able to let this go. I'll let you know what's going on in my life when I know. Until then, Laters!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

stress stress stress

I've been home for 21 days. I have danced almost every day, worked out 4 days, and ridden 4 days. I can honestly say that I'm nowhere NEAR in shape enough for the four dance performances I have coming up next week Saturday and Sunday. On the 19th I have the Christmas showcase at Pearl City at 10am and 2pm. Then at like 5 or 6 pm I have the Tabernacle performance. On Sunday I have just the Tab performance but I'm not sure what time that one is. Tomorrow I have to work at some hula Christmas concert for the first half. I'm not sure what I will be doing but I'm pretty sure it has something to do with making sure everyone is in the wings when they're supposed to be. I also don't know what I'm going to do during the second half because my mom is going to watch the show and I have NO interest in watching any part of the show what so ever. I think I'll just sit outside and read or something. I'm at the best part of my book so hopefully I'll be able to finish it before the end of the show. My parents are running the Honolulu Marathon tomorrow and I have to pick them up when they're done. I have to be on my BEST behavior from tomorrow until probably around Wednesday because they'll be sore and tired and will definitely snap VERY easily. So if I don't do EVERYTHING they say then they'll probably disown me until I go back to NY. I still haven't gotten any calls from any of the places I want to work so I haven't been working. I may give in and go back to working as a dance teacher or something. Not really sure. I just can't wait to get off this rock and start school again. My sister comes home tomorrow and I have to share my room with her. She's only home for two weeks so hopefully I won't have to stay off the computer too much. Although lately I've been sleeping earlier and earlier. I keep having these weird/scary dreams which keep me up in the middle of the night and then I stay up during the day. I'm so exhausted by the end of the day that I just want to pass out but I force myself to stay up so that I can sleep all the way through the night. Haven't yet. Not since Tuesday or Wednesday. The first dream I had was about the Christmas showcase. I dreamed that I didn't have ANY of my outfits, make up, or hair products. I looked like a mess and I couldn't dance because no one had extras. Then the another dream I had dealt with the fear of geckos that I have. Geckos were dropping onto my skin from ceilings and when I freaked out enough I woke up and thought there were geckos on my actual ceiling so I couldn't sleep the rest of the night :( I had one about Adam not knowing who I was and walking away from me when I tried to talk to him. There was one where this little girl was scared of me and held a knife pointed at my stomach saying she was going to kill my baby if I didn't stop telling her what to do. I think in my dream she was my daughter though. She mentioned something about not wanting a sister. I'm not really sure what it all means but oh well. There's so little time to do anything I want while I'm here that it's almost not even worth trying. My body has never hurt more in my life. My hips hurt and my hamstring is still slightly sore from last November when I pulled it. My back is getting really really tight the more I work at the arena because we stand around all night and don't really do anything. After we work and I sit in the car my back hurts for about three minutes. When it FINALLY stops hurting I sit more comfortably. I don't know why I'm so sore all the time. Lame!!!!!!!! Alright I don't have much else to complain about except that I miss all you Aussies waaaaayyyyy too much and I can't wait to go back. Until then keep looking for updates on my way too hectic life! Xx Laters

Thursday, December 3, 2009


First of all.... I'm SERIOUSLY moody right now. I don't know if I'm PMSing or what. All I do know is that people have been pissing me off left and right and I keep snapping at them. I'm so sorry to those of you I snapped at... Adam, Kent, Nick, Josh. Huh... all guys. Anyway.... moving on. Tuesday I went riding for the first time in 8 months. I am SO out of shape. I rode this cute old mare named Pipi. I cantered quite a bit and had a blast! But then I was really really sore the next day. I couldn't even get out of bed without hurting. I also had dance on Tuesday and Wednesday and it took me like 2 hours of stretching to get my legs to stop hurting momentarily. I'm still a little sore today but it's not THAT bad. I visited Mid-Pac and all my lovely teachers that I miss so dearly. I also went shopping for Christmas presents so that I could mail those out asap. I'm not gonna see Biscuit E until August so I thought it best to get her present to her before she left for London. I was supposed to go riding today but it got rescheduled to tomorrow afternoon. Hopefully I won't be sore then. I got bitten by something yesterday and my wrist swelled up and got kinda itchy and sore. There's two bite marks so it's either a spider or a centipede but I'm not sure where I could have gotten bitten from anything. When I rub itch eze cream from Australia on it, it burns and stings. That's not good.... I'm going to dance tonight and hopefully work some more of the lactic acid out of my legs. Everything has been so hectic here at home. I can't imagine what it'll be like in two months when I go back to Skidmore. I miss everyone from Australia so much that I get angry just thinking about it. I miss some Skid kids as well but I never got this angry before. Something's going on and I can't really control it. So if you talk to me and I snap at you... Please don't take it personally. I promise I'm trying to keep myself from becoming the bitch I was in high school. There's nothing else to really say so I guess I'll just leave it at that. Laters!

Monday, November 30, 2009

home again home agin jigidy jig

I'm back from the beach house! I spent a good 5 days of relaxing and eating. I slept about 12 hours last night. I didn't spend much time outside because it was overcast, windy, rainy, and cold. Anri came and visited for a little while. Yes, Australian Anri!! She was on vaca with her mom and dad and stopped by the beach house for dessert after lunch. It was nice to see her again and we hung out a little. Then Noe came and slept over from Thursday to Friday night and we just hung out until practice on Friday. I was supposed to drive Noe and I back into town by myself but I forgot my license at home so I had to have Aunty Sandy drive us in. Then we (my mom, aunty, and I) all drove back out to the beach house. I ended up going to sleep outside in the hammock and it was quite possibly one of the BEST sleeps I've had in my life. In the morning I woke up and got ready for practice. I went to pointe and saw Bridgette (my favorite pointe teacher in the WHOLE world!!). After practice I went back out to the beach house. Now I'm back home and have a full list of things to do. I need to mail out heaps of presents for people I won't be seeing for a while. So upsetting that I won't be seeing Raisa for another semester!!!! and I won't be seeing Adam for another two years!!!! hmph... :( Anyways, going on with my list... I need to continue to work on my dance and flexibility for my performances; I have to apply to more places to work because borders hasn't gotten back to me yet; I really need to get in touch with the barn to I can get riding; and last but not least, I need to visit MPI and all my FABULOUS teachers from high school. I wanna make time to hang out with everyone as well but you know how anti I get when I'm home. Not to mention how much dance I'll be doing. So far my time home has been pretty boring and slow going. Hopefully more things will happen that is blog worthy. Otherwise I have absolutely nothing else to say. Until then, Laterz!

Friday, November 27, 2009

I'm thankful for...

Family. I am ridiculously thankful for my parents especially. They go through so much and make so many sacrifices to give me what I want and need. They are incredibly loving and the greatest parents ever. I also say thanks for my wonderful family I'm currently at the beach house with. You guys are the greatest people ever! I'm sorry I travel around the world so much because I never get to see you any more :( But I couldn't survive without you all!!

Friends. I now have more friends than ever. Thank you to all my friends from Drill, Priory, Mid-Pac, Skidmore, and now ANU. I could never have gotten through school without all of you by my side. You all constantly encourage me and help me with all my problems when ever I need it. You all make me smile and I love you all so much. For those of you I can't see frequently or regularly, I still say my thanks to you when ever I think of you :) For those I do see regularly, I can't describe the amount of gratitude I have for you.

Special shout outs: Fab5-Carolyn, Erin, Leanna, Mandi. Kelso. Gus gus. Zan... All of DTH!!... Biscuit E. Long Neck... Davies. Hugh. JD. Swigman. Smee... Brent. Cassidy. Bliss. Ryan. Mom. Dad. Auntie Sandy. Rendi. Uncle Grant. Grandma. Auntie Jayna. Kyle. Kiana.

Thank you very much to everyone who is in my life. What are you thankful for? Laters ;)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving!! Which means eating 7 meals throughout the day and being lazy. Normally the family would meet up at Grandma's house and we'd all hang out there watching football, taking naps, and eating. Ever since I went away to college I've been spending Thanksgiving with Ryen and other friends at the Macy's day parade in NYC. This year.... I'm going to my dad's beach house in Kualoa and pretty much vegging there. Anri is in town and might be joining us :) It's gonna be so much fun! I'm gonna be lounging on the beach much like I did with JD and Swigman in Gold Coast and Cairns. I was gonna go swimming in my pool yesterday afternoon but then realized I would be swimming by myself and after spending days swimming with Adam and his friends at Mel's pool and that one day at the Dickson pool with Davies, Swigman, Fergie, Tara, and Michael, swimming alone just isn't the same.

I've been working on my dance for the Christmas show. My body hurts so much and stretching is painful. I'm gonna have to stretch multiple times every day before the show. I also need to start getting back on HI time for my sleep schedule. I've been going to bed at 2 and waking up at 10 which would make my timing for Australia sleep at 11 and wake up at 7 which is what I did pretty much all semester.

I've been working on cleaning my room since I've been back. There are so many things in my room that I really just don't want but can't really get rid of. Luckily, Rendi wants girlie going out clothes which is the type of clothes that I have and kinda need to get rid of. It all works out pretty well. One of these days I'll have an uncluttered room. I just have to take it one step at a time. I'm gonna go take one of those steps right now... Laters!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Back in Hawaii. But not quite home.

So I left Australia reluctantly. The trip to the airport was fine. Tara drove me to the bus station and the bus took me to the Sydney airport. After checking in and going through all the security and whatnot I finally go to the gate. Not gonna lie... I cried the whole time I was at the bus station and on the bus going to the airport. Then I was fine until I got to the gate. I messaged Adam for the last time and his response made me cry all over again. It was hard to leave. Then I boarded the plane and sat down, exhausted. When the woman I was sitting next to came to the seat she was more of a mess than I was. She hit me in the head with her bad while trying to put it in the over head compartment, and then she had me get up so she could sit but then she had to use the bathroom so I had to get out again. Ten minutes into the flight there was a guy that caused a lot of problems because his head rest was broken. There was just so much going on that I literally wanted to yell at someone. Finally everything settled down except the plane. We had quite some turbulence but it lightened up. The two movies that played were Up and Ice Age 3. I watched Up while I ate dinner but then fell asleep before Ice Age started. I slept for quite a while but then woke up for breakfast. Finally I landed and messaged everyone that I was back. It's safe to say I sent out 50 messages and replies to people. Then I got home and kinda just chilled until I needed to head out to Noe's house. After visiting my favorite lil sis I went to dinner with my family at the wonderful Sunday night dinners. We talked and had a good time as usual. I ate a lot and can't wait to dance it off tomorrow. I miss my Aussie friends so much and I've only been back for a day. Hopefully I'll be able to return to ANU for grad school! I will work my ass off to get into that school because I really want to go back. I can't believe that I grew so attached to the city, people, and school.

Tomorrow I have to clean my room... it's pretty disgusting. Then I have dance practice which is incredible because I miss dancing so much. Not that I didn't dance heaps when I was in Australia but it'll be nice dancing with old friends again. I have to work out early in the AM because I kinda just need to. Working out will help me get my heart whole again. I may be back in Hawaii but I left my heart in Australia; at least part of it. If home is where the heart is then I have way too many homes to return to eventually. Until I do... Laters.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

The last post in Australia

Today is my last day in the greatest country I've ever lived in :( The last three nights here were amazing. On Thursday my farewell pub crawl was CRAZY!! I had so much fun and my friends all helped to make my last drunken night one to remember.... too bad I can't remember much of it haha. I remember starting off at Le Chat Noir and then headed to ICBM. I was absolutely drenched in sweat! It was so hot everywhere we went. I was an absolute mess but had SO MUCH FUN!

On Friday when I woke up I was COMPLETELY still drunk. I spent all day in my bed because I couldn't move, I was too tired. I had to say good bye to so many people that I spent a good portion of my day crying. The handful of people left at Burgmann decided we wanted to watch Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince in the common room. We spent our last night together in a quiet but hot room.

Saturday was the day that I absolutely had to pack. I put everything away and realized that it was a lot harder than I had imagined. I managed to put all my stuff into my bags and clean up my room. Then Adam called and we went out for the last time together. He took me to a $50 performance of a combination of aboriginal and contemporary dancing. It was called fire and it was AMAZING!!!!! I'm so thankful that he took me to it because it was a night worth remembering. After the show we went to Red Hill to see the lights of Canberra. It was so beautiful and I'll never forget it. It was the perfect way to end my time in Australia. I can't believe my time is nearly up. I will be back and all you Aussies can look forward to my causing trouble in Oz again :P I love you all and below are a few shout outs to some of my closest friends.

Adam: You've taught me in more ways than I can count. I can't wait to come back to see what we can be. IMYA Xx
Ben: It was so great to get to know you this semester! Thanks for all the meals and laughs.
Carla: You're an amazing athlete and a quick learner in gymnastics. I'm sorry we weren't able to hang out much this semester.
Davies: You're the first person to meet me and Swigman at Burgmann. Thanks for being the awesome friend you are.
Foster: Thanks for all the ridiculous mornings when I would stare at you in absolute confusion while you just smiled and laughed at me for something I did the night before lol. I'm gonna miss you crazy boy!
Gabi: Good luck in all your science courses and with everything in general. I'll miss being in blue planet with you! Keep paving the road for me and my Aussie boys ;)
Hugh: Thanks for always keeping me sane and giving me the awesome tough love that I so desperately need :P
Hinchy: I'm sorry to say that I wasn't able to get to know you better. You're one of the most beautiful girls I've ever met in my life. Take care love!
Jarrod: You're a great soccer player and an even better friend. You've always been so nice to me.
JD: GEO NERD!!!!! Don't forget me ok? You know I'll always remember the vent sessions and random night walks :)
Jeffsy: Oh my dear, how you've taught me so much about being "Australian" :P You were a great friend and I'm glad I got to know you early on in the semester.
John Daly: JOHN DALY JOHN DALY!! You'll always be my favorite Cadbury to hang with :) KIT
Josh: I'm gonna miss that awesome hair of yours, not to mention you as a person as well. I will never forget you Hartnett ;)
Peter: AHHHHH!! Just imagining you shocked me AGAIN. I'll never forget you Pete. Keep in touch!
Schwebel: Schwebel rebel!! Even though you're not a rebel lol. I'm so thrilled to have you as a friend. Make sure you stay safe and take lots of pictures in Canada and America so that I can see your adventures!
Stephen: Priest-kun! You're more Asian than I am and I can accept that. Keep up the good work in life and practice with me sometime :D
My other half :) I'm so glad I met you here. I'll be sure to visit when I get my CAR next year :D love you girlie.
Tara: I was so thrilled to learn that you were in my Anth class this past semester. I absolutely loved hanging out with you. I'll miss you heaps!
Tom: Thanks for keeping me in your drawer next semester ;) Be sure to feed me!!

I love you all and will never forget any of you! Make sure you remember me! Until I get home Xx

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Finally Done!!! but busy as hell

I went to my exam at 2:30 and thought I was gonna die! The very first fossil that Patrick showed us I drew a blank. I panicked! And then for the other questions there were some that asked what age the rock was as indicated by the fossil. I knew when the fossil was alive and when it went sorta extinct but I had no idea how many millions of years ago that was. I frantically flipped through my notes and almost ran out of time for the end of the exam. ugh awful awful awful!! Then I hung out until about 8ish. Adam came by to take my mind off the exam. Trent invited me out. Adam didn't wanna go out because he had to work early the next day but after Adam left around 10, I met up with everyone else out. We went to Wig and Pen and then The Phoenix. I didn't drink anything (miraculously) all night. At the end of the night we went to maccas (McDonalds) and I got a yummy bacon cheeseburger and an oreo mcflurry with fudge. Greatest night ever!!

I took it real easy yesterday. I woke up, ate breakfast, made some jewelery, and packed up my room a little. I now have NOTHING on my walls :( I packed up my books and some of my DVDs. I almost had a panic attack again because my DS needed to be charged but my charger for some reason wasn't charging it. So I tried every outlet and every converter that I had. Finally an hour later I managed to find out how I needed to charge it. Apparently I needed have my adapter turned on lo instead of hi. Then I got back on the network and downloaded a bunch of movies. I was in a bit of a depressed mood from packing up. Then I turned in early for the night.

Tonight is my farewell party with Sarah. I'm gonna get smashed!! Aussies are gonna be sending us home the proper way! I'm going out tonight and tomorrow and hopefully we'll be able to see everyone before they leave. I'm looking forward to being home just a little bit more now because Anri is gonna be in Hawaii! I can't wait to see her :) but I'm still so sad to be leaving the place I love so much. I'm gonna miss everyone so much! I can't believe the time has gone by so fast. I'll be sure to keep in touch with everyone. Then WHEN I come back for post grad I'll still have friends to see (hopefully). If anyone has skype be sure add me!! vixey_gurl808 I'll update once more before I leave but for the most part my Aussie experience has come to an end :( laters

Monday, November 16, 2009

a headache and a half but still smiling... sorta

Saturday night I went out and had a great time. I went to knightsbridge first with Simon, Peter, and Bin-Ben (Shaun drove us). There were a bunch of people there but the cocktails were expensive so Bin-Ben, Trent, and someone else (who I don't know the name of) left fairly early. We went to Uni pub where we had affordable drinks and danced for a while. There was where we met up with Beth, LJ, Sarah, and a bunch of other people. We all danced and I saw Adam there. Then he and his friends left and I stayed with my friends. I saw Ben, Johnno, and Markle there and they kinda hung out with us for a little while. I told Bin-Ben that I wanted to dance somewhere else so after his tequilla shot we decided to leave. Ben, Markle, Trent, and I decided to go to Meche while Bin-Ben, Sarah May, and some other people decided to go to Shooters. We split saying that we'd meet up again but none of us had each others' numbers. Oh well. I stuck with the three guys and we went to Meche but couldn't get in because Ben had shorts on so we went to Moose instead. Markle bought me a drink (smirnoff ice... YUM!) and then Adam messaged me. So I told the guys I was leaving and they said to be careful. I met up with Adam, David, and two other people (both of whom I can't remember the names of). We went to Acadamy, which wasn't very good, and then back to ICBM. We danced quite a bit and I had TONS of fun!! Then Adam's friend drove me home. I wish I could've stayed with Adam for the night but his friends were waiting for him downstairs. At least now I know how I feel about him :)

Sunday morning I woke up and went shopping with Sarah. We needed to get a dress for Thursday's party. We went to three stores, tried on 15+ dresses, and FINALLY found the perfect dress. We both got dresses and we both look HOTTT!! Then a little while later Adam messaged me and asked if we wanted to go to Mel's pool again. I wanted to go but Sarah had plans already so he just picked me up. We swam for a while. His friends were throwing a football and beach ball around. I occasionally threw it to them when I got in the path of their throwing. Then I came home after a great/exhausting day in a pool. I studied and transferred my notes for my exam tomorrow and then went to bed.

Monday (today) I went to breakfast and lunch (first time I ate both meals in a while). At lunch Davies and Sarah invited me to go to the pool with them. I went because despite having an exam tomorrow, I needed to get out of the heat. It was 36C today!! That's way too hot for me to deal with. Michael, Tara, Fergus, Davies, Sarah, and I went swimming and had a blast! We threew around a tennis ball for a while and then played volleyball on scortching hot sand. Then after throwing the volleyball around for a while we decided it would be nice to lie out in the sun. We did and essentially just fell asleep in the sun. I'm pretty sure I got more tan. I got back to college not too long ago. I still have like a million bruises and don't know what they're from. I have a swollen calf from a bug bite and it's currently inflamed. This sucks! Only me.... Only I could get hurt from a bug bite. I tried to print out my confirmation email to make sure I could get to the airport on Sunday and realized that I didn't have the email. I'm pretty sure for some odd reason that I lost it. Then I learned that I might have to leave my room Sunday morning, which sucks because my bus leaves at 4 in the afternoon so basically I need to find somewhere to put all my bags and crap until I have to go to the bus station. Again, THIS SUCKS! Today has just been the night for bad news. I can't believe that I potentially screwed myself over. I'm not leaving Australia on a good note. At least I get to see Adam tomorrow night after my exam so there's one thing to look forward to. Once my exam is done I will have to start packing and that's only gonna make me more sad than I already am. This is so depressing!!! And yet I'm still smiling... WHAT?!?!?! I confuse myself sometimes. Oh well I'll just deal with it. I have to go back to studying now but keep an eye out to see how my week pans out! Laters :)

Friday, November 13, 2009

a trifecta weekend??

Thursday night:
I was DYING to go out on Thursday night. I messaged Jeremy to find out who he was going out with. I went to Gabi's room and had to convince her that she wanted to go out. Then when we were getting ready to go out and Peter and JD met up with us in Gabi's room. On our way out we ran into Josh on his way out and he came along with us. We went to North Bar and had a few drinks there. Then we went to ICBM and danced and had a few more drinks.... you can only imagine how drunk I got. But on the plus side I managed to get Josh hooked on my second favorite drink.... Vodka sunrise :) Then we went to shooters for some more drinks. Then the gang decided to go home and I met up with Adam. He introduced me to more friends but I don't really remember them. At some point in the night Jeremy left us and I saw him at Moose and he called me thinking that some random guy had picked me up. I didn't drink the rest of the night after meeting up with Adam. We just stood around with his friends. From what I can remember it was an amazing night out.

I woke up slightly hung over. After I got over it at lunch I went to a review class. My prof brought us cake since we had to come in during exams :D yummy yummy cake!! Then I went back to my room and just hung out until dinner. At dinner I found some people going to the farewell party. I had to tag along with them because I had no idea where to go. On my way up to see who was ready to go I got snagged by Peter and Hugh. I was literally picked up off my feet and carried me down B block stairs by Peter. A group of us headed over to the party and on the way there Adam called me to see if I wanted to hang out with him. Of course I said yes and he picked me up a couple hours later. He took me over to his friend's house where we went swimming and hung out in her hot tub. The girl to guy ratio was pretty damn hilarious. Mel and I were the only girls and there were 6 guys. It was a lot of fun. Talking and hanging out with Adam always puts a smile on my face. I get a lot of shit from all my friends at Burgmann because he was my dance teacher. Even people at Skidmore get on my case about "sleeping with the teacher." I like him a lot and I really wish I didn't have to go in a week because he is so great to me and it feels so right to be with him. But hey meeting the greatest guy always happens right before I have to leave somewhere. Story of my life. I REALLY wish I didn't have commitment issues. I'm afraid to do anything with him because I don't wanna get emotionally attached (I'm leaving in a week!!). But I also don't wanna leave without letting him know just how much he means to me. Should I give into my wants and just deal with the pain later? or should I avoid the bad by not having the good? I wish I knew. After I go out tonight I'll be sure to update you about my decision. My drunken hook ups are always the most honest hook ups I have. So I'll just get pretty drunk and see where my mind takes me without me thinking too much. Wish me luck! Laters.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

One more exam and I'm freeeeee

My second exam went decently OK. I wrote everything that I anticipated to write but my notes suck and I didn't have anything else to say. I finished by an hour and a half into the exam. I went back to college and visited Hugh to get back my highlighters (one of which he lost). I ended up sitting on his couch while he cleaned his room and talked to him about how crazy I am. Then he started to push me around so I exerted force back. We ended up getting into a wrestling match which I technically won until he started tickling me. I am weak when people tickle me. I didn't really have anything to do for the rest of the day except my mini make over. I plucked my eye brows and now they look pretty good. I didn't do anything else the rest of the night. I slept A LOT today though. I woke up at 8:30 because the stupid birds outside my window. Then after breakfast I just hung out in my room for a couple hours and fell back asleep. I woke up after lunch was done which sucked. I did my nails so that they look good again. And then fell asleep until dinner. I essentially slept through today. At dinner I realized just how sore I was from the stupid tickle war Hugh and I had. The left side of my ribs hurt like crazy now and my whole body is just sore. That's all I really did in the last couple days. I've been MIA from college life which kinda sucks. If I have anything else to share later on I'll be sure to update. Laters!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

one down, two to go!

BLUE PLANET IS OOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVEEERRRRRR!!!!!!!!!! I'm am so excited that my Blue Planet exam is over with because that's the end of that class. Unfortunately the exam didn't go as well as I had hoped it would. There were some pretty damn specific questions that I sat there and was like WHERE WAS THIS IN THE BOOK?! and there were some questions that I looked at and said to myself 'is that in English?!' oh well. Can't do anything about it now. I studied as hard as I could and all I can do now is pray that I did well enough to pass the class. I just need to say right now that if JD didn't help me study I would've failed that exam with flying colours. At least with his help I had a chance of passing... THANK YOU SO MUCH JD!! YOU'RE A LIFE SAVER!! well at least a Blue Planet grade saver :P After my exam (as I always do) I gave myself a mini beautification day where I spent four hours just doing typical girly things to make myself look pretty. Then I got ready to go out with Adam and his friends.

That night I got picked up by Curtis and Adam at 10:30 and we headed out to Uni pub. It was a ridiculously fun night. It started with Adam buying me a vodka sunrise (my second favorite drink :D) and meeting 3 more of his guy friends (all of which their names I've forgotten... Sorry :/). Then they bought me two more sunrises, which I didn't need, and we talked a little. They're crazy fun to hang out with! I only had three drinks but it was all while we were at Uni pub which was about an hour I think. After that I stopped drinking. I refused the following offers for drinks (which was a lot). I think Adam wanted to get me wasted because he kept trying to convince me that I wanted to drink more. We went to upstairs Moose (my second favorite place to go to dance) and Shooters (becaus they had cheap drinks). At shooters we met up with Simon, Josh, Will, Seth, and Trent. After a little while Simon, Josh, and Will decided to split. Seth and Trent stayed for a little and left with us to head towards Moose again. But then Seth left to go to Transit. Trent stayed with me and the guys and we all went to upstairs Moose. I found out that I was a better lesbian than Adam's friends were straight guys lol. There were two girls that wanted to take pictures with me and then a group of girls who wanted to dance with me up on the platforms. They were all very trashed but I had fun dancing with them. In the bathrooms I had three interesting conversations and it led to a lot of compliments on my dress and how I looked. I don't think I'll be going back to Mooseheads for a while. It wasn't until 3 that I decided I was tired and wanted to leave so Adam walked me back to Burgmann. It was a long walk after dancing for two hours. But it was one of the best nights I've had out in a long time. Thanks for taking me out Adam!

Saturday I woke up and forced myself to study. I may be done with Blue Planet but I still have two exams for Marine Palaeontology. The theory exam is first and I have to memorize a million facts about everything we covered. I also have to study for the practical exam.... except its not until the 17th so I have time for that one. I wasn't too successful in studying so today I really have get down to it. My essay is due tomorrow and I have to remember to turn that thing in or else I'll fail the course :( I can't wait to finish my exams but that only means that it's all over and I'll have to go home :( I'm not ready to go hommmmeeeee!!!!!!! hmph time goes by too fast. But I don't really have time to cry about it now because I have to go and study. Check back on Tuesday for updates on my aweful exam. I hate exams..... Laters!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Water starts to fall

All week I've been writing my Violence and Terror essay (worth 40% of my grade) and studying for my Blue Planet exam (also 40% of my grade). I finished my first draft of my essay last night and was really excited to send it via email to be edited. Then I turned all of my attention to studying today. I looked over my notes, read the chapters, and reviewed the lectures. Regardless of my preparation, I still feel like I have no idea what's going on in this class! This is the reason I am not pursuing a Science degree >:( I don't know what possessed me to take this class at all! I had a nice stress-out cry at dinner because that's when it hit me: I really am fu**ed for this exam. Everyone tried to make me feel better about it by saying things like "I guarantee that you're more prepared than anyone else because they haven't started studying yet." Them failing isn't going to make my grade any higher! Even if the whole class fails the profs don't scale it so there's no point in relying on anyone else to raise my grade. The only thing I can really do is put faith into the fact that I've been to 95% of lectures, I've taken notes that I can read and somewhat understand, and I've read the textbook (well most of the chapters). I just really need fab5 and bio cult because we went through senior year together and I survived but only because of them. They know how I react to stress and I just can't control my emotions when I'm this freaked. My whole day has been dedicated to Blue Planet and unfortunately this is how my next couple weeks will be. I still have my theory and prac exams for Marine Palaeontology to study for. Luckily they're spread out so that I focus on one at a time. But that also means that I just stress out about one at time. Hopefully after the first exam I'll calm down because I'll be a little more comfortable with the idea of taking exams again.

I can't wait until tomorrow night though. Adam is taking me out clubbing because I haven't been out in a couple weeks and I will need to blow some steam off after Blue Planet is done. Next week friday I have a party to go to and then the Thursday after my exams are COMPLETELY done I'll be able to go CRAZY!! I need to get all the partying out of my system because I will have a tough semester when I go back to Skidmore. I can't wait to finish but I know that the end of exams is the signal to go home. I'm not ready to leave Australia. I belong here. I've always said that I couldn't stay in one place too long but I haven't been here long enough. I can't wait to come back for post grad. To all aussies/ANU international students (coughcough JD) reading this, you're my favorite people and have helped me to see through different eyes and I absolutely love that I can call you my friends. I won't ever forget what you taught me about life and about myself. I'll see you again (I'll make sure of it).

As for my Skidmore and Hawaii friends if you get the chance to visit Australia... DO IT!! This was the single most rewarding and worthwhile trip I've ever made in my life. I can't wait to tell you all my experiences when I return. I love Hawaii as much as I love Skidmore but ANU just stole my heart.

For the next few weeks I'll probably be crying. Don't take it personally. Stress, sadness, happiness, everything... it's all emotional for me. Keep a look out for updates on my last few drunken nights out :) laters!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

What a week!

The semester finished way too quickly! Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday all feel like a blur. Wednesday my dance class was cancelled... thanks a lot Adam (jokes). Thursday I had the ENTIRE day off. Friday I studied for exams. That's pretty much all I can remember from each day. Saturday felt like a Sunday because I hadn't really done anything all week. It was also the day of Siobhan's birthday picnic. A ton of people got together and went down to the river by south oval and we all ate and had a good time. It was the perfect way to end my last week of classes in Australia :'( James, Cam, and Joe were climbing trees. Paige and Michael occasionally climbed it with them. Fergus tried to capture a bird with a laundry basket, a stick, and chips. We danced and made fools of ourselves. It was just so much fun. Unfortunately, on my way back from the picnic to my room I got hurt. It wouldn't be a Chelsey Day if I hadn't. First I stepped on a twig and part of it broke off while it was still in my skin which is why I had to leave to begin with. Then on my way UP the stairs to my room I twisted my ankle. I've had bad ankles since senior year because I sprained it and danced on it for the concerts. I never really healed from it. So I'm back in my ankle brace because it still hurts (hasn't hurt this long before). After dinner (which was DISGUSTING) it was time for 2H's Halloween party :) There was such a great turn out compared to recent tim tam nights... granted half the people there weren't 2H ressies. We ate lollies and popcorn and chips (more junk food) and watched The Boat that Rocked. It was a pretty good movie. I had such a nice time chilling with new friends. Steve and I got into a bit of a lollie fight. It started with Zemma throwing all kinds of food at us (like monkey brains!!) and then I decided to throw an m&m at Steve because he was sitting on the floor in front of me. We threw the same m&m throughout a good portion of the movie too. We tried to get Lauren to get in on it but she threw it into the rubbish bag... Angus and Tash kinda joined in a little but they were on the other side of convo. At the end of the night I went back to my room and watched Friends.

Sunday morning I woke up and studied for a while. I felt kinda sick. I was dizzy and tired. So after reading through three chapters in the Blue Planet textbook I decided I needed a break. So I looked up some stuff for my essay for Violence and Terror. I didn't get very far because I somehow turned on my computer and pushed play for Friends again. Let's just say that I stopped studying for the afternoon. I went to lunch and of course it was disgusting again but I was feeling sick so I went back up to my room after about 5 mins of being outside. I couldn't eat all day because everytime I did I felt like I was gonna just throw it back up. I watched Friends for a few hours and then went back to studying. Then I realized that I hadn't updated my blog in a while so I turned my internet on and realized it was time for dinner. I didn't really feel like eating but I figured I should at least try. I got dinner and ate half of it (better than I expected). Then I studied more and forgot about my blog :( I talked to Angus and Adam on facebook for a little while but Adam went to sleep and Angus wasn't really talking to me plus my computer was overheating and making my room wayyyyyy too hot. I turned my computer off and fell asleep around midnight.

This morning I woke up five times starting from 6am. I couldn't get back to sleep without stupid dreams, none of which I can remember now, so I finally got up around 8:30. I really need to work on my V&T essay today because I focused so much energy on studying Blue Planet yesterday. I plan on having it done by Saturday. My exam is on Friday so I'll have all of Friday after my exam to focus only on this but I'm also going out on Friday so we'll have to see about this time table-ing I've got going on for me. Hopefully I won't stress too much because those of you who know me know that I get REALLY bitchy when I stress. Well, bitchy/moody/isolated/sick. So let's try to keep me happy then alright :) ALRIGHT! Until then I'll be studying. See Yea!!

Monday, October 26, 2009

The last week of classes

The interhall talent show was held on Sunday night and there were TONS of people there. I was really nervous all day and needed to take a nap in the afternoon. Unfortunately that caused me to miss dinner because I slept through my alarm. Sue-Lin knocked on my door which woke me up. We walked over to B&G for the talent show and I not so patiently waited for my turn to perform. I couldn't believe how much talent there is at ANU. Eventually it was my turn. I performed to the best of my ability and despite losing my make-do shoe in the middle of the dance, I thought I did pretty well. Ursies wasn't immediately after me but their representative for non-musical acts performed magic tricks. I LOVE magic and was really impressed with what he did. He was the act that I lost to. I placed second in the non-musical category :)

Burgmann placed second for Arts Shield and third for Sports Shield. Of course Johns won sports but surprisingly Fenner won arts. I wish Burgmann good luck next year for the arts and sports shields.

Monday was the start of the last week of classes. I went to social animals and we watched the weirdest film called The Future is Wild. After class I went back to college and worked on my essay. I managed to reach my goal of 700 words a night. Then I talked to Sho and we came up with the brilliant idea that we should meet up in the states since he was planning on going next year. He said that he and Kit were going to LA, LV, and NY for his 21st birthday. Since Skidmore is in NY he said he'd give me a heads up and we would try to meet up. In theory the idea is that they would go to Hawaii for New Years cuz everyone knows that's where it's at for New Years! Then they'd go to all the places they wanna go in LA and LV and then I'd meet up with them while I was at school. More than likely I'll have a Northwoods house so I'll be able to house them. It'd be so awesome if it actually worked but a year is a long time from now.

I was extremely unproductive today!! I was planning on getting my essay done tonight because I was feeling motivated. I checked my facebook and it wasn't working well because it kept giving me that weird message saying that an error occured and I had no notificaitons and no friends online and no events even though it said there was an event invitation. Not sure what is going on with that but I left it up regardless. Then my ex IM's me and we get to talking and fighting (no surprise there). I end up talking to him for a few hours and get nothing on my essay done. It probably doesn't help that I have a full season of CSI on my computer at the moment. *sigh* I guess I'll have to focus really hard when I get back from dinner. I HAVE to finish this essay by tonight so that my dad can help me edit it. I can almost feel my essay being done but it's one of those glass ceiling type deals where I can't reach the top but I can see it. Oh well there's nothing I can do but do the work it's self. Check in later for more stories!! Cheers :)

Saturday, October 24, 2009

A weekend of dance

OK I know I said I'd update you on Thursday but I forgot to. Rachel's 21st was on Thursday and it started at 8. So Sarah and I convinced Stephen to go and he suggested we drive. I had not planned on going out that night. I wanted to spend the night in but it was Oktober Fest and Rachel's 21st so I went to make an appearance at her birthday. I had a lot of interesting conversations with Adam. He's such an easy person to talk to. I had only planned on staying out for an hour but I ended up staying for about an hour and a half. Then we got back to college and realized that we had missed Tim Tam night. But we saw Zemma walking back at 9:45 and asked her if she had missed Tim Tam night too. It was funny because she mildly freaked and we got an hour late Tim Tam night anyways haha. It was essentially only 10 of us but we made SOOOO much noise. We had a few 1H and 3H ressies at our Tim Tam night and had an entire conversation about betrayers. It was awkward... especially when Frank made it awkward. But it was funny after a while. I ended up going to bed at 11.

Friday I woke up and went to lecutre as usual. I got cat called on my way back to college by construction workers that I always see on my way back. Usually they just say hi but this time they called me sweety and said that I was looking good. I wasn't even wearing anything nice! I was in a t-shirt, jeans, and slippers/flip-flops/thongs. It was so ridiculous!! By the time I got back to college it was time for lunch. Because Valete was at night, they had a bbq. The steak was pretty good for Burgmann food. I finished fairly quickly and worked on choreographing a dance for interhall talent show. Then I went and got ready for Valete. I put on my brown dress and heels and made my hair look semi elegant. I wasn't planning on drinking wine or champagne before dinner because I was hungry and that would make me get drunk really quickly. I went out onto the lawn with Sarah and we socialized with people. I mostly talked to Xinyu who was being such a great friend. I think he's one of the guys I'm going to miss the most when I leave. He always finds a way to make me smile without trying too hard. After about 30 mins of random mingling it was time for dinner. I ended up on a pretty random table because none of us signed up for a table. None-the-less it was fun. The food was good and the wine wasn't bad. I got drunk off of two glasses of wine: 1.5 of white and half a glass of red. Ben was being a pretty entertaining seating partner. JD and a bunch of his "bro's" shifted over to the end of the table where I was sitting. Then we all started shouting and getting a little out of hand. I think it's safe to say that we were tipsy at that point. Then Dr. Phil announced that the bar was open and there was a bar tap. So EVERYONE made their way to the bar really quickly. I had a wonderful night of dancing and talking with people. I even met more new people that I became friends with instantly. I can't believe I'm going to be leaving in less than a month and I'm still meeting new people! Crazy!!

This morning I woke up at 9ish and went down to breakfast. The Valete tables were still out. After eating a light breakfast I went to work on my dance for the talent show. I managed to finish it but whether I can do it will be an entirely different issue. I have to stretch really well for this dance because it's got a lot of extensions and leaps. After about an hour of dancing I went to my room to collect my things and watch some CSI. Sarah came into my room and of course we started talking. Before I knew it, it was lunch time. Lunch was crap so I ate chips with gravy and a chocolate-peanut butter toastie :) After that I went to the computer room to do some work on my essay. I managed to find some info that would be helpful to writing my essay but actually getting to writing my essay will be a completely different story. Tomorrow I have talent show so I HAVE TO get this essay at least started. At 6 Alex drove Sarah and I over to Tuggeranong for Adam's KultureBreak Dance Expo 2009. They were so good! It was mostly hip hop with a little contemp. The little kids who break dance are ADORABLE!! If I could stay here forever I would joing their company. I pretty much had a whole weekend of dancing.... man I miss these :/

Tomorrow night is Interhall Talent Show and I can't wait until that comes around. I'll be nervous all day tomorrow but I'll work through it and keep dancing. Right now I have a smile but deep down I can feel my heart slowly breaking piece by piece as I count down the hours until I leave Australia. I thought it was hard to leave New York my freshman year but now I see that Australia is where my heart will always be. All Aussies need to prepare for me turning into a waterfall. This is going to be a messy end of semester :P Until then I plan on partying hard, having fun, and making memories. xx

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Roller Coaster of Emotions

Last I left off I believe was Monday in the Social Animals Tut. So here's a recap of my day on Tuesday...

I woke up really early because I was really hungry. I went to get breakfast around 7:30/8 and then hung around until it was time to go to Blue Planet. I'll admit I was afraid to go to lecture because I was afraid that some people were mad at me. I'm pretty sure that they're still mad at me but I just stay out of their way and hopefully I won't cause any more trouble. I sat alone in lecture on Tuesday. I was also pretty nervous about Burg Concert being that night. You know me... wake up nervous and feeling I'm going to throw up. And those feelings don't go away until I'm either disappointed from a horrible performance or really excited because it's finally over. So I felt sick throughout the entire lecture and the added stress of people being mad at me made me feel like I was going to die: room spinning, heart pounding, sweat threatening to drown me. After a VERY long lecture I hauled ass out of there so there wouldn't be any awkward confrontation which might have actually made me puke. I went to Marine Paleontology even though it was canceled because I needed to put my presentation on the computer. I hung out there for about 15 minutes and then left. I spent the rest of the afternoon getting ready for the performance. I also had dinner that night with Teri, Swigman, Rachel, and Joanna. It took me about 3 and a half hours to finish getting ready. Then I went to dinner where Swigman, Rachel, and I waited for 40 minutes because there was some mix up at Teri's hotel. I scarfed down dinner and ran off to my performance.

The concert was amazing! I love listening to all the musical talent at Burgmann. My favorite was probably the serious opera pieces by Peter and Josh. I love their voices!! Finally it was my turn to perform. I got up on stage, quickly analyzed my space, and took a deep breath. John got up and set up the sound system for me so that I could hear the music. This performance was the first time I had done that dance full out all the way through. It was also the first time in 15 years that I had a performance where I didn't make a single mistake. I was very sore afterwards and I'm pretty sure I agitated my ankles again (you know how my ankles were sprained and I never stayed off them so they just never healed). But the feeling that I got from that performance was just INCREDIBLE!! I went to sleep that night feeling better than I had since I got back from semester break.

This morning I woke up still ridiculously sore. I rolled out of bed and got dressed ready to smash my presentation. I put on this sexy blue dress that I absolutely love and threw an interview top on over so that I just had the skirt of the dress showing. I put on my favorite heals and walked out to breakfast. I was happy to still be getting compliments about the performance but I was starting to get nervous for my presentation. I went to Blue Planet lecture like I always do and sat in the spot that I always sit at. Only this time someone sat next to me. I'm pretty sure she doesn't know what's going on but other people sat next to her and that made me really uncomfortable because they were the ones who I think might be mad at me. After lecture I went to the most boring two hours of my life (no offense presenters but it was really boring). When it was my turn to give my presentation everyone was just about ready to go to sleep. I was still really nervous but it wasn't that bad once I had started my speech. I stumbled on a few words but who doesn't? Then it was over and I got feedback. Apparently I'm actually a really good speaker when I have confidence. When I don't have confidence I put people to sleep (his words not mine). So my mark is going to be in the mid Distinction range for the speaking portion. Of course that doesn't really make much of a difference if it's only 7.5% of my overall grade. After the longest three hours of my life were over I headed off to Violence and Terror. I haven't been to lecture in a really long time but this was technically our last lecture so I figured I'd go for the hell of it. I mean I was already on campus. It wasn't that bad of a lecture but I zoned out for part of it and was completely lost when I tuned back in.

I headed back to Burgmann for dinner and learned that I had won the talent show for Burgmann!! This means that I get to perform again on Sunday for the Interhall Talent Show. I'm not really sure what dance I'm going to be doing yet but I'm sure I'll think of something. I was really happy to hear that the Interhall Talent Show was on Sunday because for a while I was debating not performing so that I could go to Adam's dance expo on Saturday. The BRA calender says that the talent show is on Saturday at the same time the expo is. But apparently the calender is wrong and I'm able to do it all!! I'm so excited to be performing again.

Tomorrow is Blue Planet Prac and I'm a little nervous about that because I have a feeling there is going to be some awkwardness. Although I'm clearing up the air a little with our Prof in the morning so hopefully that won't make the atmosphere too thick with tension. I'm gone in four/five weeks anyway so it's not that big of a deal if they don't talk to me for the rest of the week because this is technically our last week of classes. Next week is kind of a joke in terms of lectures... it's all prep for exams kinda stuff. If anything I'll just update them about the situation and then go back to my I don't exist state of being in class. I've lost friends before... and the fact that I'm losing friends who I'd lose to distance anyway really isn't bothering me that much. I know it's bad to say but I've always had friendship issues and anyone from Hawaii or Skidmore will agree with that. If I may never see you again I'll burn bridges to make it less of a sad good bye. It's the way I've always been.

Tomorrow I'll update you on my roller coaster of emotions... more than likely i'll be upset and sad and pretty much everything negative because I'm predicting a pretty shit day. I may be frowning but at least I'm doing handstands so it looks like a smile. Laters!

Monday, October 19, 2009

forgotten story

Yesterday in Social Animals we were talking about animal ethics. We somehow got on to the topic of genetic modification. The jist is that in nature there are no naturally white animals. We breed them for our aesthetic purposes. But the genetic modification causes some loose wiring in the brain. This is why dalmatians are supposedly really stupid. With all the white animals we threw out, our professor was able to say whether they were smart or not based on their skin color. For example: "What about polar bears? They're not particularly stupid." Response: "Polar bears aren't white. Their skin is black and they're fur is technically clear."

After a few minutes of debating this I asked "So is this how we get the stereotype of dumb Blondes??" Can I just say that half my class is blonde?? and my hair is practically blonde because of all the coloring I do. FML :P

Conflicts left and right

This morning I woke up at 10am which means that I missed breakfast. I had class at 11am so I left for that after getting ready. Class went from 11am-2pm which means that I missed lunch. Luckily we got out of tutorial early so I walked back to college and caught up with some work. My head was pounding because I hadn't eaten all day. I drank a half a Nalgene of water and read from one of my text books but fell asleep. It must have been around dinner time because when I woke up it was 7:15pm. Yea I slept through dinner. Today has been a fail day for food. I went down to the dining hall to get an orange so that I would at least have something in my stomach. Then I decided it would be a good idea to get a head start on my Blue Planet prac. I managed to finish the tasks that it presented but haven't answered the questions yet. I'll work on that tomorrow.

As I walked down my block's stairs this evening I passed two of my friends. Both of which are incredibly attractive! I seriously felt the temperature in the stairway go up about 10 degrees. One of them has a girlfriend but that doesn't mean I can't look :P especialy since he lives on my floor haha. The other one I never really realized how much of an attraction to him I had. I don't really know him that well but I'm only here for 4 more weeks ;)

A little while ago it hit me that I was performing tomorrow night at Burg Concert. Should I qualify for the Interhall Talent Show, I would perform on Saturday night. PROBLEM!! I said I would go to my dance teacher's dance expo to watch him perform. If I have to perform Saturday I won't be able to go to the expo. But if I tell him that I can't go but don't make the talent show then I'll feel aweful for not going. What am I supposed to do? I've ALWAYS honored my committments to dance. I never thought this would happen but then the statistics of it happening grew the more I committed myself. I guess I'll have to deal this one out on my own. This sucks. It's not like I don't already have enough stress from school work and making stupid mistakes. Rule #16: Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.

I need to cut this short since I have to work on my Social Animals essay. Send your prayers to me! XOXO

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Starting week 12

So last night I worked on my Marine Paleontology presentation and almost finished researching it. I had gotten so bored with working that I decided to write all my notes with my left hand. I got pretty good at writing with my left hand. Then I got tired and went to sleep at 11 (I know sleeping early on a Saturday night. But hey I had a big Friday night). This morning when I woke up after having an EXTREMELY strange dream I was really hungry. I woke up around 8:30/9:00 and went down to get breakfast. After just one piece of toast however, I was full. Weird!! I usually eat two pieces of toast and cereal. I knew I'd get hungry if I didn't eat more so I forced myself to eat my usual load. Then I went back to my room and worked on the report some more. By the time it was 12:30 aka lunch time, I had finished two pages of the report and was feeling pretty productive. I went down to lunch where I learned that road relay was at 2pm. I reluctantly said I would go since I had to finish my report as well as practice for Burg Concert. It turned out to be an AMAZING race. We started out strong with Katie and James and just continued to gain leads over the other colleges throughout the next 6 people. By the time Vrinda ran (half way through) we were at a 4 minute lead. When it was Murray's turn to run, because he was the last we all concluded that even if the John's runner ran the 3K in 8 minutes, he still would only semi tie with Murray. My favorite quote of the day: "so basically Murray needs to be hit with a car for John's to have a chance..." The response to that was: "I wouldn't put it past them."

After a victorious relay I returned to my room to prepare for my own practice. I spent an hour and a half in the Chapel dancing my butt off to get back in shape for Tuesday. I wouldn't be surprised if I was dead tired and sore tomorrow. Thankfully I only have my favorite class for three hours tomorrow. I have almost completed my report on Sand Dollars (which I had an exciting talk with Rachel about) and I'm about to start my powerpoint. Luckily, I am only allowed 6 slides plus a title slide and a references slide. So there's really not much work left to be done on that.

I calculated my projected grades and realized that I have neither progressed nor regressed in terms of my usual grades. I'm still stuck in the B range just as I always have since high school. Last semester I had almost all A-/A's so I was hoping I would be able to keep that up. Of course when you're in a new country, have no idea how the professors mark, and are partying it up... I wouldn't really expect to have great marks. Although I am proud of myself for keeping up the B range grades even with all the partying I've been doing. I've learned to give myself a little slack.

This semester is wrapping up so quickly and everything seems to be jumping at me from all directions. I need to learn to manage my time better but you know me... taking on too much at one time. I'm getting antsy for next semester because I know I'll end up doing the same thing. 17/18 credits, equestrian team, break-beats (most probably), and hopefully working so that I can save some money for the summer. I can't wait...

OH! I almost forgot :) I managed to get my right split back again! For 11 months I've been struggling to gain my flexibility back from my injuries. Today when I was dancing I actually sat in a full split. It was painful but my butt was on the ground!! I was so excited. Hopefully that isn't a psych out and I'll be able to do the same on a regular basis. I knew all those painful stretching techniques would get me back to normal again. When I can once again kick my head without pain in my legs I will be the happiest girl alive! Until then, I may need to chill since I can already feel the pain from dancing hard kicking in. Man I'm out of shape. When I go home for Christmas I'm gonna get back in shape: for dance AND equestrian. Keep yea posted!! Laters

Friday, October 16, 2009

Big night out

Yesterday was an interesting day. I went to my lectures in the morning and then went back to college for lunch. After lunch I decided I was gonna do work (my presentation for Marine Paleontology). I ended up turning on Beauty and the Beast and falling asleep. Yea REAL productive! I woke up at 5:30 (just in time for dinner) not wanting to open my eyes, let alone get out of bed. But I needed to eat dinner because I was going to Symposium later that night.

Symposium is an ancient Greek drinking festival where men gathered together to make toasts to the God, Dionysus. It can be as academic or as pleasurable as the symposiarchs (leaders) make it out to be.

In Burgmann's case, it was a celebration of the year and the first-year's accomplishments. There were really good speeches (most of which I didn't follow because I didn't know all of the stories behind all of the jokes) and fun drinking games. The whips (first year arts and sports reps) served us Sangria throughout the night. I had only two glasses before I was drunk. Did I mention that we were supposed to wear TOGA's for the event? Yea I don't know how to make a toga out of a bed sheet so I had quite the adventure getting dressed as well as staying dressed because my sheet kept falling down. Wardrobe malfunctions aside, it wasn't too bad of a night (even though I felt COMPLETELY ridiculous and self-conscious the entire time). After the organized part was over I socialized a little with a group of people and then we all headed up to Beth's room to hang out a little longer before going out.

It was 11:00 before we FINALLY decided to go out. I was already sober by that point so I wasn't really keen on going out but I did anyway because Beth suggested Transit Bar which I had never been to (I'm always up for trying new places out). We gather everyone together, poor Alex was probably waiting in the car for an hour at this point, and realize that we don't have enough space in the car for everyone. So Ben, Jeremy, and I volunteer to walk (you know me, love to exercise) but we didn't know where it was. So we get into civic and follow the directions we received from a drunk Beth. We managed to find them and get to Transit with minimal problems. Transit was gross. I really didn't enjoy it at all. Ben spilled beer down the pants of my leg and it looked like I peed myself. He was pretty drunk so I just let it go. Needless to say, I did not have a good time at Transit.

After about two hours at Transit (after a half hour there I was ready to go) Beth, LJ, Jess, Jeremy, Pheobe, Sarah, Ben, Jeremy, and I headed off to upstairs Moose (again this is the first time I had gone to upstairs moose so I went even though I was tired, sober, and grouchy). Pheobe decided it would be a great idea to shout at a bunch of random guys that I was miss Hawaiian and could dance and flip and twirl. I was so embarrassed (keep in mind I have not had a single drink since I sobered up at college). She continued to scream to get guys to turn their attention to us. Beth and LJ were trying to see how many drinks they could get from guys at the bars we went to. I'm pretty sure they got quite a few because they were both VERY drunk. It looked like they had quite the band of followers to get them drinks. I guess it was a good night for them because they got heaps of free drinks. I rather like upstairs moose because it wasn't as sketchy as their basement, plus it's more club-like. Jeremy and I went upstairs to the cocktail looking area because we had been dancing for a while and needed water. We talked for a little while and then headed back down to the dance floor. Our whole group was pretty spread out and I was more than ready to go. I messaged Sarah and said that I was heading back to college with Jeremy. And just for the record, NOTHING HAPPENED. He made a move a couple times but I didn't accept because I was too tired and no offense but he's just not my type. I felt bad for teasing him though (yea I haven't changed I'm still a tease). By the time I brushed my teeth and got changed or bed it was 3am. I'm pretty sure I was asleep before my head even hit the pillow!

I vaguely remember waking up and seeing the sky lighten but I can't be certain what time it was. Then I woke up at 10 and tried to force myself out of bed to get breakfast but it just wasn't happening. So I went back to sleep and actually woke up at 11. That was the latest I had EVER slept in here and I just couldn't believe how much of the day I had wasted. But I got some work done. I hit a rock though because the species of sand dollar that I'm working with is no where to be found on the internet either. I have a common sand dollar fossil, which I was able to get a page and a half of information on, but the other one I just can't find. This is due on Wednesday so I really need to get cracking on it. Then I need to start working on my essay for Social Animals. I don't really know what I'm going to do for my topic on that one either. I'm so screwed but I'm not stressed.... WEIRD!! I also have Burg Concert to prepare for. That's on Tuesday and I'm so excited for it!! Wish me luck on this last term!! xoxo

Thursday, October 15, 2009

I feel like flying

Today has been an overall good day. It started out with a not so great Violence and Terror tutorial. I got my exam grade back and lets just say P's make Degrees :/ I looked up the US equivalent and it's a C... not even a C+!! All you who are my friends know my saying that I for some reason live by: if it's not an A it's a fail. Well you can all imagine how mad I was at seeing that.... Anyway moving on. So I went to the botanic gardens in Canberra for my Blue Planet prac. It rained the entire two hours. My worksheet that we have to turn in next week is now completely drenched! But I got all of the answers and I now know more about plants which I never ever in my life thought I would know. Well I still don't know a lot but I could answer the questions on the prac really easily and accurately (according to the one of the tutors). By the time we were all ready to head back to campus we were FREEZING and wet. For some reason though I couldn't stop smiling. My hands were numb, my ears hurt from the cold, I could barely talk without slurring words, but I kept laughing and smiling while I talked to some guys that I didn't know in my prac. OK well I know them just not their names. It happens a lot.

After I returned from the botanic gardens I walked to college not wanting to go to lecture (so I didn't). I logged onto webCT and copied the notes from the powerpoint and realized that I really needed to get started on my essays. But of course that's not gonna happen at least until next week... I mean it's THE WEEKEND for crying out loud. I'm gonna work on my Marine Paleontology presentation this week and then be ready to kill it by tuesday (I hope).

Last night I had dance practice. I choreographed and worked on my dance for Burg Concert. I am SO out of shape. My body this morning felt like bricks. Every millimeter of movement took so much effort! But throughout the day my body got progressively less sore. I'm still mad that I missed tim tam night though :( 2H ALWAYS has tim tam nights on Wednesday nights when I have dance practice. Not like I expect them to schedule nights around my schedule but it would be nice if they changed it up a little. Like have tim tam night on Tuesday....?? Oh well. I'll deal. There's only two weeks left of Uni anyway. And then exams. Man-o-man!! That's so soon! It's like a month and a little bit left of time in Oz. I'm not ready to go home yet! NOOOOOOOOO.

OK i'm good i'm chilled out. Sorry about that minor freak out just now. haha. Alright since that's all that really happened today, I'm off to work/play. Byeeeeee! :D

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Is it the weekend yet?

Rule #20: When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.
Rule #26: Frame every so-called disaster with these words, 'in five years, will this matter?'
Rule #43: No matter how you feel get up, dress up, and show up.

These were the rules I desperately needed to live by today.

I was woken up by the workers drilling holes in the rooms of my neighbors. You can only imagine how thrilled I was by that. I tried to go back to sleep but a half hour later my alarm went off and I HAD to get up. I went through my normal routine of brushing my teeth and getting changed. Then I read my email. I had one from SourceDance (the company hosting the competition I had entered three months ago) saying that they've decided to CANCEL the workshop and competition. The workshop I could deal with losing out on because it was only four classes anyway. The competition on the other hand was what I had been training for, for the last three months. I was pissed that my hard work was wasted in just a matter of minutes. I didn't want to go to Blue Planet lecture this morning because aside from the fact that this week's lecturer is ridiculously boring, I was really upset. But I read the 45 rules of life on my door as I usually do and was reminded of rule #26. In five years will I care that I was unable to compete in Canberra? Probably not. I don't even care that five years ago I couldn't compete in NY, even though at the time I made a big deal out of it. Then something else sparked in my mind. I'm entering in the Burgmann talent competition. I can full-heartedly into that now, hence rule #20. I really want to compete and I love to perform. More importantly I love to make people smile with my dancing. So I won't take no for an answer because I'm still competing (technically) in the Burgmann talent show. So I took the advice of rule #43 and got dressed in a nice skirt and lace spaghetti strap top with my Juicy sweater and left for lecture.

An hour later I got out of lecture and went to the computer lab to work on my report. I managed to finish everything except the abstract. Then I went to Marine Paleontology and sat through an informative lecture. We learned about sand dollars which is what my presentation is on. That lecture and prac was the most useful of all my time here in Australia (OK slight exaggeration but you get the point). After the prac I left to go back to college because I wanted to work on my report a little more. I started working on it and realized that I had completely missed my Violence and Terror lecture (way to start the new term: missed the first lecture back). But at that point I didn't care because I had FINISHED my Blue Planet report!! YAY!! Two assignments down (Marine Paleontology report and Blue Planet report) only one presentation, two essays, and three exams to go.... OK it seemed a little better than that when it wasn't in writing. Regardless, my time here in Oz is wrapping up really quickly and I just can't believe that it's almost over!! Soon I'll be home working and putting the partying on hold until I'm 21. Even then I won't be partying much because all my friends turn 21 after me. So much for a big 21st. Which follows the trends of a forgotten 16th and having graduation on the 18th. I'm not playing the Chelc Pity Party game I swear! *sarcasm* Rule #26.... It might actually matter to me in five years... but I won't know for sure until the time comes. No big.

Tomorrow is Thursday which means it's the weekend. I wanna go out but it's been raining lately and I don't want to go out in the rain. Especially since we walk into civic. We'll see... Until then follow Rule #22: Over prepare, then go with the flow. See yea!

Monday, October 12, 2009

The approach of hell day

Today is Tuesday which means tomorrow is Wednesday... AKA my longest day of the week. For you SkidKidz do you remember when I had to create themed Thursdays because my day went non stop from 9am to 10pm? Well I managed to do the same thing to myself agian only on Wednesdays instead of Thursdays. I start at 10am for Blue Planet lecture (which I technically don't NEED to go to), then I have an hour break until Marine Paleontology which I have lecture and then prac immediately after (up to 4 hours in a row), then I have Violence and Terror (yes that's my actual class title). Soon after that I go to dance class until 10pm (well sometimes we finish at 9:30). So basically Monday and Tuesday are my only days to do work for the week because I only have three hours of class on Monday and two hours of class on Tuesday. So I was fairly productive yesterday and finished a large portion of my Blue Planet report. However, today.... UGH!! I completely killed my brain with this Blue Planet report. I finished a third of the discussions part and then Alex came into the computer lab along with John and they took a copy of Ross's report. Then John left to go work at the library (smart man, run while you can). Alex decided to stay since the computer room was empty and I said I would help him. But then other people filtered in and Alex found the Omphalos on his USB. Well you can just imagine how much work we got done at that point. A half hour of looking through the Omphalos and I finally snapped out of it going back to my computer to work. I'm still in the computer room (you tell how productive I'm being since I'm typing on my blog right now :P) and Alex and Matt are still looking at the Omphalos. I got through a little bit more of the report but I'm working a lot slower than I was before Alex came into the computer lab... Yes, I'm blaming Alex for my lack of concentration right now. I also blame Matt for distracting me. Oh well. it happens. Tomorrow I won't be able to work on it for long because I don't have that much time and Thursday I'm definitely not getting any work done. Since this is due one Friday I'm pretty much stuck with having to finish this by tonight. Did I mention that Spartos is tonight at 6 which means I have less than an hour to finish the report, get dressed, and go have fun. Aw man who am I kidding?! I can't do that. Not even close! I guess i'm pulling an all nighter either tonight or tomorrow night... Speaking of all nighters...

Last night I got caught online by Angus. He's super cool but I can't remember meeting him in person. So I started talking to him and he and I can carry on LONG conversations! It was past 2 am before I realized what time it was. Idk what possessed me to stay awake that long. I could've been doing my report! I could've been getting something done. I think that may be what I'll end up doing tonight after Spartos. And then I'll be working on it EVERY chance I get tomorrow and Thursday. The timing just sucks. I have to prepare for two performances as well.

Oh and today I was supposed to turn in my Marine Paleontology report. I walked out of the class forgetting that I had it in my bag. Two hours later I panicked and ran back to class to turn it into my prof's mailbox. Man-o-man I hope he doesn't take points off for forgetting to turn it in during class. Crap! I have to finish researching and creating my presentation for this class. Damn... Looks like this is going to be a busy weekend of work for me :( And you all know how I get when I stress out. Expect to see lots of complaining on this blog over the next few days. Now it's off to work and shortly after Spartos!! Hope you're keeping your head on your shoulders better than I am!!

The start of term, the end of sanity

Today was the first day of term 4 and I've already lost it. But other than that it was a great day! It started by me having a weird dream... as usual and no I won't explain it on here because it was a waste of time. So I woke up and went to breakfast where there were HASH BROWNS!! Yea all Burgies know it's a gonna be a good day when there's hash browns at breakfast. After I ate I went upstairs to get ready for class. But of course the construction workers are drilling holes into everyone's wall for the sprinkler system. As soon as I start to change there's a knock on my door so I have to pull my clothes on really quickly and answer the door before they let themselves in. About 10 annoying minutes later they leave and I finish getting ready for class. I was walking to class freezing because I decided I didn't need a long sleeve shirt on (dumb idea) when I smell the rain. Hawaii people know that the rain has a distinct smell and for some reason it's one of my favorite smells. So that put a huge smile on my face. Then I get to class thinking I'm late because it's already 11:05 and class starts at 11 usually. But when I walked in there were only 4 people sitting down and my professor was no where to be found. So i sat down and literally 1 minute later my teacher walks in saying OK! Let's begin. PHEW I was in before the prof so I wasn't disruptive or anything. Then we started talking about whales and the whole Japanese situation on whaling. Somewhat boring in lecture format but in the tutorial I was SO ready to participate... Don't know why. We had our two presentations which admittedly were pretty good. Throughout the whole two hours I didn't once feel like I needed to slap myself to wake up. I was active and opinionated about the topic this week which gave me a good weekly tute mark. Then I came back to college and actually did work!! I felt so productive. I finished my Marine Paleontology field report, started my Blue Planet field report, picked a topic to write on for my 3500 word essay due 30 Oct, AND picked a topic for my 2500 word essay due 9 Nov. I felt so accomplished after that. Dinner came and went and I continued to work on my Blue Planet field report which everyone agrees is such a vague assignment that it's so hard to figure out. While I was working on my report with Maddie, Sue-Lin came and asked me if I was interested in being in the Burg Concert next tuesday. I had been trying to get in touch with Lucy about that for three days now!! But to have another person in charge asking me to be in it was just such a compliment (or at least I thought so). She had that look for shock when I said I would do it and then she said 'Great! And you wouldn't happen to be interested in entering the talent competition as well would you?' UHHH HELL YEA I'LL ENTER THE TALENT COMPETITION!! For one, I love talent shows, for another I live to compete!! I'm so psyched about this! One tiny little detail... I still have to choreograph the piece as well as find something to wear. But those are minor and I'll get it done no problem. Today has been a pretty good day... Hope all your days are as good as mine! Peace.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Back to reality

Yesterday was Sunday and that's typically the day of studying. I have a presentation on Sand dollars on Wednesday of next week. So I decided I should start researching it. I went to the Chiefly library with Sarah. Let me just say that I HATE libraries. I've had a fear of them for a while now. Regardless, I went to the library to find books on Sand dollars. I entered the term sand dollars in the search box for ANU libraries. Absolutely NO books were found, so I searched the term echinoderms. A few books showed up and I looked at where I had to find them... HANCOCK LIBRARY!! Damn so now I have to go to another library and this time I would be going alone because Sarah had her own stuff to do at Chiefly. So I went over to Hancock and looked at the signs that said where all the books were. The books were only on two levels: level 1 and basement. Can I just remind everyone that I am ridiculously afraid of basements. Anyways... I look to see where my books would be found and of course with my luck they're downstairs in the basement. So not only am I in a library, which is scary, I'm in the library basement!!! Can you just imagine all the horrible images in my mind as I walk down the long hall into my nightmares. Once I got down to the basement and searched through all the books they had on echinoderms-- about three shelves worth of books-- I was feeling a little better about having to deal with the whole situation. But then I realized that even with three shelves worth of books there were absolutely ZERO books mentioning sand dollars. It's like they don't even exist!! So I walked back to Chiefly empty handed. After a while of sitting in the library with Sarah we decided to walk back to Burgmann. At dinner Peter decided to headbutt me while I was drinking water. I spilled my water and retaliated by splashing him back. He declared war against me and tickled me multiple times throughout dinner. I spaz when I get tickled so I hate getting tickled. I dumped about a quarter of a cup of water on him and of course he got me back about 15 mins later when I had my guard down. But he got me back with a full cup of CHILLED water. I screamed and everyone in the dining hall laughed and asked me why I got water dumped on me. I was a bit chilly the rest of the night. I spent a total of an hour an a half in the dining hall and had way too much fun haha.

Today is the first day of classes after break and I'm not looking forward to it at all. Hopefully I get more work done today than I've been getting done in the last three weeks. I have so many assignments to start and so much studying to catch up on. I can't wait until my essays are done. Those are what's worrying me the most but hey... That's college! Check back later and I'll probably have more stories to tell for some good laughs :) Laters!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Stressed and Worried. But Procrastinating

It's only been a day since I've been back at College and I'm already finding that I'm starting to sweat exams in three weeks. OK so I do have other assessments that are due the coming week as well as other assessments in the week following this one. But still, two field reports and a presentation is a lot to deal with when you don't know how to do them. I know that writing this blog isn't helping me any but I'm just dreading starting it because once I start it, I'll just sit there feeling hopeless. I don't know what I was thinking taking science courses. I love science and used to be good at it but then something in my brain decided to switch into the off position and switched on the part of my brain that only allows me to do mediocre in social sciences. It does't really help that I've been sitting on facebook all morning trying to upload all these pictures from semester break. Does anyone else have problems uploading photos using the full uploader?! I have to upload all my pictures 5-by-5 because the full uploader keeps saying upload failed. It's so frustrating when you have just under 350 pictures to upload. But whatever, it's helping me to procrastinate (not that I really need to). If I were smart I would have brought my work to do in the computer room while I uploaded the photos. But of course I didn't do that. I really just don't want to do any work at all. I'm in denial that I'm back to the world of studying so soon from break. This is pretty much how I'll be come January. I love all my Skidmore friends but I really just don't want to go back.... at least not yet. I'm having too much fun in Australia and I'm sad that this had to end. I keep saying that I'll be back to Australia, but really when I do come back, how many of my friends here at Burgmann will be around the areas I'll be traveling to? My guess, not many. I still have yet to travel to WA, NT, and Tas. I anticipate traveling to Melbourne during finals since I really don't have anything to study for and even if I do, I can study on the plane ride. My finals are fairly easy to study for. It's the essays that I have due before my exams that I'm screwed for. They're around 3500 words each (I have two of them) and they're one topics that I really don't even know how to go about researching. This semester is going by WAY too fast :(. I'd like to think that I'm making life long friends here but really only Sarah is a possible life long friend since she's from the states and we're planning on visiting each other and Oz again. It's so depressing to think about but hey that's reality. That's the problem with making so many friends while being abroad: you never know when you'll actually see them again. I guess facebook and emails make it possible for you to keep in touch but how long before that gets out of date or you get bored of it and get rid of it? Then what happens to those friends that you ONLY kept in touch with because that was essentially your only form of communication? Technology is great but it can only provide so much for you. Oh well. I guess I'll have to leave it up to fate to bring those wonderful people back to me. But until then I should probably start my work and update you all later. If you need to frown, smile and stand on your head; it's easier than you think :)